I searched and couldn't find anything....right now...i've got my dash almost off....but it is stuck somewhere underneath around the air bag. I don't wanna yank too hard...because i'm afraid i'll break it or set off the air bag. If anyone can give me some advice...i would appreciate it.
there is 2 gold screws in the glove box. also there are a few mabye 3 little screws along the bottom of the dash and one on the outside behind the cover.
Did you remove the panel on the passenger side and remove the two screws there as well?
Yea....I removed all of teh screws....its loose around all of the edges....but when i lift up the sides and look underneath....its' stuck on somethin right around teh passanger airbag. Anyone know what that might be?
If you removed all of the brass screws and the black screws from the glove box, grab it and pull.
yea, theres just a little gold tab that goes under the airbag, just yank up and out, ittl be fine.
thanks...i'll give that a whirl....appreciate the advice!
got it off....i had to call the dealership....turns out i forgot a bolt....i feel like a moron...but thanks for the advice