by hand or with an electric palm sander, i used the electric on a test piece( fuse box cover) and it worked out good but when i did the wet sanding in between painting it sorta took all the paint off in a few spots i used 320 grit, should i use a higher grit for the wet sanding ar just do it by hand? thanx gang
dont sand it so much. sounds like your over sanding, if your wet sanding in between coats just scuff it up and sand down any runs (if any). then put on your final coat.
I'm in the process of doing the same thing. I found this stuff at home depot thats made for wet sanding thats 600. It works incredible! The 320 will scruff it up but if you have any sort of little runs or stuff that sticks into the paint the 600 stuff works awesome.
from what I have read sand with 100 then 220 then use high build primer and wet sand with 400 and then 600 and your ready to paint.
i think i went overboard but i sanded everything down with 1000 grit. Sounds crazy but its worth it.
Side note:
If you're going to wetsand the primer (and you should) make sure the primer you choose is wetsandable, or even sandable for that matter. Otherwise you're in for some headaches.
Read the directions carefully. If it doesn't mention wetsanding anywhere on the can then you should probably look for a different primer.
Wetsand with 400 & work up to 600 grit. Then you're ready for color.
"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines." -- Steven Wright