I started painting my Dash Vents Yesterday. I am using Krylon Fusion. My question is, how do I paint the vents so that when I use the knob on the vents, the paint doesn't scrape off. Should I paint them, wait the 7days that the can says it takes for the paint to become chip resistant and then move the knob over a paint the spot that was covered when I originally painted these? Hope that makes sense. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks Sorry for the long post and no pics (no digital camera)
I wouldn't worry about the paint coming off the knob during regular use. If you prep everything well and let things dry properly you will be fine. Make sure that you don't paint any joint areas - where plantic swivels on plastic. These areas are mostly found on the inside of the vent. If you paint those, things can bind up and chip or worse yet if not left to dry properly, can get cummed.
Oops, I should of explained better, I'm not worried about the paint on the knob, I am worried about the piece that the knob slides on to shange the direction of airflow.
Just tape that area. I suggest you only paint the face of the vent. Just remove the flaps that direct the air and paint the entire face piece with the taped pivot point. Let it dry and reassemble. It will look great. Mine have been done for years and they look as good as the day I did them.
if you take the vent off the dash...you will see that the vent comes apart into 2 seperate peices... i took mine apart and painted the inside fins and not the outside...and it turned out great...has never chipped or anything
you can see the vents in this picture
ignore the green arrows all over it lol
if you want to paint everything and still have the thumb slider work and not scratch and chip you need to sand out the notch on the back of the slider and then wait the seven days for it to dry
Whats up people?