alright so my first attempt isn't totally done... but it's taking forever so i decided i'd start on the other side... here it is so far...
this is after i had sanded it down and glued the fabric on... then i applied the first coat of resin... this is after it had already dried...
here's after 2 layers of glass... it looks amazing compared to my last attempt at glassing the driver-side kickpanel... it's kind of dark but i know this will turn out to be a beauty! (oh, and don't mind the swing-set, lol)
i was using pieces of fiberglass mat... i have cloth too, would that be better? i know it's stronger but how strong do kickpanels need to be?
alright well here they are so far... the driver's side kickpanel has a very thin coat of primer on it, just so i could really point out the spots i still needed to fix up a little. the passenger-side kickpanel has a fresh coat of body filler on 'em. shouldn't take all too long to sand. and remember that both speakers are "sagging" because they aren't screwed in yet. comments are most welcome... good and bad... but if you want to give me a negative comment please tell me how i can make it better so i can at least learn from my mistakes
lol, thanks guys!
how do i use the "vinyl"? i have aboslutely no experience with vinyl at all so a detailed explanation would be incredible useful. thanks if you can help!
nice work, that is making me want to do mine :-)
so let me get this straight
1. you lined up your kick panel faceplates
2. you used metal strapping or something to find the correct angle
3. then you hotglued some dowels to make it a permanent angle
this is where you left out a step
4. then you glassed the dowels in place....glassed right onto that plastic piece ? and it stuck?
5. then your wrapped in fleece
6. more
basically what i want to know is if youre glassing directly to that plastic
Vice President - NEJBody
2007 Cobalt SS
2001 Sunfire (retired)
is this vinyl called anything special? or where can i find it? like could i just go to menards or home depot and ask for vinyl and they'll show me what you're talking about? thanks in advance sndsgood