where do i find this ? i am molding a gauge pod sometimes in the next month and i want it to look as stock as possible,i know the gravel gard trick for the texture, my main problem is to get a perfect match color!
I have the same problem, I have paints but I don't know the mixture to get a good graphite look. Just buying it might be easier :p
Take a piece of interior trim to an auto paint supply strote and have them color match . They should be able to color match the interior's stock color . They can also put a sample on a card that will let you see if it is close or not , they can adjust the pigments from there .
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sunstealth wrote:where do i find this ? i am molding a gauge pod sometimes in the next month and i want it to look as stock as possible,i know the gravel gard trick for the texture, my main problem is to get a perfect match color!
Friend can you explain how can I do the gravel gard trick for the texture? it is done after or before painting the pillar? Sorry about it I am a little new about this topics.
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Crap, just put in your make and model and it will take you to the right page.
Thanks a lot Phlatcav.
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