alright..i have my interior pieces out..and the piect that goes around the gauges and cdplayer and has the cigarette lighter mounted on it. I cannot get it off. I have it unhooked from the its out of the car, but can't get the damn piece out of the plastic...
how do I get it out? I see 2 little prongs but can't get push them in at all??
Me and Nikki couldnt get that out either when we painted my dash. We put some tape over it and just painted it that way and it turned out fine.
I used a wine cork to fill the lighter hole in, Shaved it flush with the dash, and then went painting. After i was done, used a cork screw to get the cork out.
“Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely true."
look on the back of the lighter socket there is a nut remove it and take the socket apart but pay attention cause if it is not put back right it can cause blown fuse in the future
u have to use a very small screw driver to pry it out its still not easy
what you need to do is first pull the center round metallic piece out. if you look closely there should be two tabs on there, bend them inwards and then a little forcibly push it outwards. you will probably get it halfway out, then you gotta move the tabs again to pop it all out. once thats out, you can get out the black plastic trim piece out by bending the tabs on that too.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
muahahahaha i laugh at you all
my 96 just unscrewed right out
took a few seconds
tape get soem blue tape and ten get a knife and cut it out its easy
like viper sed, u gotta bend the metal prongs then pull like hell, it will eventually come out