i was just woundering if there is any way that i can change my stock 2004 cav gauge cluster to have blue lights instead of the stock white ones, maybe just change bulbs or what?
well, i can think of a few ways to do that
1. depending on what type of blubs they are, i've never looked myself, you can just replace them with blue ones, my friend did this in his old blazer
2. if you cant find replacement bulbs, take out the existing ones and paint them with glass stain, just make sure you use a couple of good coats, although depending on the stain, you may have to touch them up every once in awhile
3. take out the existing bulbs and put in LEDs, this is def the most time consuming way, but if done right it looks great, i;ve seen this on a few cars b4 and some looked good some didnt, it all depends on how you put em in, and where you place them
i hope this helps, let me know how it all goes
i don't even know how to get into my gauge cluster, i was told its one piece and not to take it apart ever... so if you figure it out itd be cool, let me know how it goes. maybe i'll glass stain my turn signals... couldn't find blue ones for my car.
Don't count me out.... <img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y153/punkyalicia/c66bec08.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
This is kinda a goofy lookin pic. but it really lights up @ night-you can see that i only used 3 LED's i thought it came out great...
I am goin to try this..i was told that it wont work on ours...but when you take off the cluster and look @ the back...you can see where the reg. LED are...i am workin on un-soldering them and replacing them w/Blue ones--another route i will be trying first is just feeding Blue LEDs in the little holes/vents on the back side of the cluster--seems the easiest but cheapest way to do it...if it works i'll post picks...**note this option that i explained will NOT require me to remove the needles...***
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There was a post like last week about how to change gauge cluster lights. I believe there are two or three lights on the cluster. You have to solder them in as far as I know and its pretty complicated. The guy did post pics and it looked completely badass.
Friends a question, what about windows buttons, A/C knobs and panel? internal lights can be changed? Pics are welcome.
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You can change the HVAC and radio lights, but from what I read, its a total nightmare and they usually end up frying out for no appearent reason.