Hi Guys
I would just like to see pictures of the aftermarket gauges you guys got installed in sunfires or cavalier.
Go Check Out My Z26 Message Board @
http://v6z26.proboards12.com/index.cgi and tell me what you think Thanks
<img src="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y126/wayfastwhitegirl/Picture109.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
If this one doesnt work...Im sorry!!!
no no Not that type of aftermarket gauges I mean in like pods or in fiberglass shells and what i mean by aftermarket gauges like autometer etc......
Go Check Out My Z26 Message Board @
http://v6z26.proboards12.com/index.cgi and tell me what you think Thanks
Then you should've said "aftermarket pods or fiberglass shells" rather then gauges . . .
check out my post in the photos/media forum and look for subject updated pics and you will see some of mine!
k i have a ? bout those glow gauges....im wondering where the 2 red wires go that come from the aftermarket peice..im wanteing to install ir like right now, so if neone knows could you reply asap
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