03-05 Speedhut HVAC Faces - Let's Do This! - Interior Forum
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Speedhut is willing to produce HVAC faces for the 03-05 Cavaliers/Sunfires in their Model Development Program. If this product is like anything else that I have bought from them (I have the gauge cluster and 3 gauge pod gauges) the work will be excellent and the product will be super-high quality. Your HVAC face will have a nice, tight display with NO dark areas or inconsistencies and will be available in many colors and options. You can check out Speedhut.com for further details.
I want to become Group Leader to get these things produced, but I need some help. They will only make them if we can get 25 people. I'm willing to buy 5 or so if needed to get this thing going, but I need to see who else would be in. Looks like it would cost about 35 bucks each.
If we can grab enough interest, I am also willing to pay to run a GP and I'll give a free carbon fiber product to anyone who orders the HVAC from Speedhut. They'll charge your credit card 1.00 and then charge the rest when they are ready (about a month after we hit 25 people). You would get your CF product AFTER the HVACs are ready (so no one can cancel the Speehut order and strand the rest). I may even have some brushed aluminum stuff by then since I'm planning to start making those next month.
The reason for this offer is that I'm trying to have all-blue lights in my Cav and the HVAC face I bought from a popular vendor just does not have the quality I'm looking for. The blue does not match my Speedhut gauges at all and there are several areas that are darker than others, etc. I really want this product but can't afford to buy 25 of them. I am willing to work with the JBO community to make this happen, though. I could also call them and see if they'll lower the price a little if we all order at once.
Anyway, please post any questions here or add your name if you think you would be interested. I'll start a GP as soon as there is some good interest.
This product is for 03-05 CAVALIERS w/ AC and DEFROSTERS ONLY (your face will have 3 big holes and 2 small ones). The icons on the 95-02 WILL NOT MATCH. This product may also fit 03-05 Sunfires, I am not sure if their icons changed in the same year or not. Please post if you have any info on that. If you have a 95-02 Cav, there is already a development program on Speedhut going on for you guys.
Blue Cav Customs
are they the type you have to take the dash apart for and glue them on and peel the old one off or are they the ones you can put on without removing the dash.....either way let me know i may be interested....and we can get them to light up blue????....
You'll have to pull off your radio bezel but Hell I can do that in under 5 minutes now
Yes, they will be black with white or silver (or whatever color you want I'm sure) icons and light up whatever color you want.
I'm going for black w/ silver and blue at night.
Hey, LK do you want my old CF radio face? I am not going to produce any more of them but I should be able to get my prototype off my old stock radio without destroying it (50/50 chance)
Its free if you want it - you'll need to spray some adhesive on the back or use 3M tape (it may still stick with the old tape on it)
23 more HVACS to go!
does the light shine through them?
i would go for it, but i have an 02 !!!

wait for it... wait for it... NOW GO!! ---> '02 LS Sport <---
Yahoo IM : buzz122 AIM : buzz122cav
No, they will be black rectangles that completely block the old icons from showing through. You may still get a little light from the area around the knobs, but that's easily blocked out. I plan to use blue leds in mine anyway just in case.
steve what are you going to do with your interior now.....are you doing away with the cf stuff....?????
i know in the beginning when you first started i wanted to do my interior all brushed stainless than you got me into the cf what is up now.....lol....
yeah i'll try the old radio bezel....
No way, I'm keeping my CF and in fact adding more soon...even if CF was no longer popular and everybody said it sucked, I am a CF fan forever.
I just wanted a new radio with blue lights to go with my blue gauges and vent lighting. I created a new custom CF face for the Pioneer and made a lit vented area underneath where you would normally stash a couple of CDs.
Pics soon! And I'll try to take that face off this weekend.
Email me your address.
2004 cavalier, i'm interested depending on price. what are we looking at?
damn, no edit button :p
I reread your post, I got excited and hit my reply button too soon, that's a little too expensive for a hvac overlay for me :p sorry lol
im interested

Fred Ohlson "The people that devised this cruel attempt
at acceptance and fame burn in there honda civics"
I'm going to call them today and see what kind of bulk purchase discount I can arrange.
So these are the same overlays as the speedometer gauges, correct? I currently have the yellow glo gauges and a matching HVAC would be great.
Would I have to remove the OEM HVAC cover?
I believe I would be interested.
Is Speed Hut a good, reputable company? Just so you know, this isn't for my car, it's for my friend's so don't jump on my back sayin "it wont fit, wah wah".
Ban low-performance cars, not high-performance ones.
Yep, same overlay, it will fit right over the old HVAC face and if you got the gauge face from Speedhut, it will be a perfect match. The coolest part is that if you have the Upgraded Invertor like I do, you can adjust the colors and they will all change to the same shade at the same time! And hooking these up will be a snap since it will plug right into the other Speedhut stuff and you can ground/hot it right in the steering column with the gauge wiring.
I would say that Speedhut is a great company and I'm sort of surprised that they do not get mentioned in JBO more than they do. I have their main cluster gauges, 3 pillar pod gauges, and I'm shooting for more. The quality of their work is excellent and they have good customer service with fast custom shipping.
I talked to them today and I can get the HVACs done for 29.95 each if I order all 25 sets at once. I will pass these along at my cost since I am not trying to profit from it, I just want one for my own car.
So think it over and let's see if we can grab at least 10 or so people from JBO. I can probably find other distributors to buy up the rest if I need to. I'm setting a goal of having these by the end of the year (it'll take Speedhut about a month to produce the first batch) so no one would really need to pay until then. Right now I'm just gauging interest to see if we can do it.
Cool, I have secured about 10 or so so far - looks very do-able if we can get 5-10 more people.
I emailed the artwork to Speedhut so they are standing by.
I have created a PDF file so you guys can see what the icons would look like in different colors. Mine will be silver when turned off and blue at night. I've also created what red would look like and also a reverse glow set.
Anyone who wants to see the file, put your email here and I'll send it out. Maybe one of you computer people can figure out a way we can post the image here...
hmm that price seems a bit more resonable

I'd like to see what they look like. thelenm@comcast.net
I would like to see the reverse Glo cover. With lights off it is yellow, with the lights on it should glow green. right?
I mis-spoke in the last post. They are not reverse glo (as in only the number and icons glo). The icons are solid black and the rest of the overlay glows.
Sent, although I don't have every possible color combo. These should give you a good idea, though.
I want it for my 00!!! match my speedhut red gauges
I'm interested. any pics?
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
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