LED Flickering? - Interior Forum

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LED Flickering?
Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:44 AM
Alright, this has me pissed like you wouldn't believe. I got these LED packs off of ebay. There was 4 LED's with wires in each pack. Well, I put one of each in all of my vents. I have the wires run to a ground, and then I have the power connected to a switch that works my neon tubes. Anyways . . .

The LED's have been working fine up until recently. One of them started to flicker like it was loose. It'd stay on constant like it was fine, then it'd start to strobe and flicker, then it'd go off, and then the thing would repeat. Well I gave up and swapped the light around and put a different LED in its place that was working fine. Well everything was working fine, and now again, a different LED is starting to do the same damn thing. Flicker, stay on, strobe, etc.

I don't really know much about LED's. Is this a common problem? Can LED's just go out like normal lights, or did I just buy generic LED's? I'm kinda at a loss of what to do. I love the lights coming from the vents, but if they are just going to keep going out, whats the point . . . Any ideas? I've checked the wires, ground, connection, switch, etc. Everything is holding strong. The neon tubes, my reverse glows, etc aren't flickering or showing any signs of going out, its just random LED's, so I don't think its a connection problem.

Re: LED Flickering?
Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:49 AM
Your options are either bad connections.
Bad soldering (too close to the LED) which caused damage by heat.
Or just bad LED's. (which can happen with cheap sets)
Thats about it.
Personally i say your best bet is to order LED's off a good
site for a decent price and solder the resistors yourself.

Re: LED Flickering?
Thursday, November 10, 2005 12:29 PM
I didn't think they were bad LED's since I had them for a while, but this is the first I've used them for a long duration. What do you mean by bad soldering thats too close? Is there a way i can fix that on them? That sounds like that could be the issue?
Re: LED Flickering?
Thursday, November 10, 2005 1:14 PM
Grab a set of 4 Plasmaglow LEDs from Jason's GP. It'll only cost you 10 or 15 bucks and it's a good, trustworthy product.
Re: LED Flickering?
Thursday, November 10, 2005 1:47 PM
Jason's GP, have a link? I'd like to go for some name brand LED's.
Re: LED Flickering?
Saturday, November 12, 2005 7:18 PM
LED's or Light emitting Diodes have no resistance, a diode is a device that llows current to flow one way but not the other.. anyways you have to hook up a resistor on the power side of the LED but chances are you have already scewed them.. if you dont have resistors already hooked up

that is why they are acting up

(unless i mis read and you did hook the resistors up )
Re: LED Flickering?
Monday, November 14, 2005 8:15 AM
Hmmm, not sure about the resistors. The LED's I got came in a 4 pack off of Ebay, and were "all set to go". I actually think its the heat thats causing it. It started once my defroster and heater started going on more often. Yesterday they were all working fine, and I had my car running for a while with the heater on, and out of the blue another LED started doing the same thing. The heat could be minorly melting the solder I'm guessing?

Well, if I go for the Plasmaglow LED's, will I have this issue? Has anyone really used them, are they bright, etc? I don't really want to spend $20 for 4, go through the install all over again, just for the same issue, ya know?
Re: LED Flickering?
Monday, November 14, 2005 10:23 PM
Just because the ebay seller says they are "Good to go" means little more than good to go out his/her door...

Re: LED Flickering?
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 10:49 AM
Well, it was a light, a cover, and had two wires, one for ground, and another for power. *shrug*
Re: LED Flickering?
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 7:08 PM
best place to order LED anywhere is from www.lsdiodes.com

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