Strange, and ad for lights, but shows a car??
Yeah, you should post pics of the bulbs and lights at night............I think that you would sell them without any problems...........
what type of bulbs are they? it might strike my interest seeing as how blue is the lighting color i want for my car.... hit me up.
if i had to guess he uploaded wrong picture... haha
Well I just have to say that the maplights are a good idea but the trunk and interior light are not exactly custom. The bulbs that go into those are identical to a 4 watt noma light. I've had them in since 99. Look my interior is green now its red now its blue. They are like $0.79 a bulb some places. Just FYI...
<img src="">
Cant wait for the snow to melt so that I can play with my toys.
You can get those at any auto parts store, and don't have to pay shipping.
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I just recently actually noticed that I had no trunk light.. and that I actually do have a spot for one. I just can't find out what kind of light fits. It's an odd flat looking plug. Anyone know what light exactly goes in here? Normal or an "ice blue" would be great.
Thanks a lot.
the size is a 194. you should be able to get them at ANY auto parts store
Thanks a lot, I appreciate it.