How much would a cluster gauge cost for a 99 cavy 2.2L with a tach?
i dunno, how much do they go for on ebay?
also i dont think the 2.2 clusters come w/ a tach
I have a 95 Cluster w/ a tach in my 97, but I am some how thinking it would only work for 95-97 as I believe 98-99 for some cars had a digital odometer. But if its mechanical then one has to adjust it to reflect current milage.
the tumblers can be swapped out. when i replaced my cluster, the new cluster had like 40k more miles showing on it. just some screws to remove the tumbler and swap w/ yours
they run anywhere form $22-34 I think, I just got one for my car for like $37 I think all said and done.
ive got a 99 standard shift 2.2 and it doesnt have a tach. its also got the digital odometer on it. is there a way i could get a gauge cluster from a 98-99 z and swap the digital odometers and retain the mileage. cause i really want a tach badly.
I Drank 750 Bottles Of Mountain Dew For A XBOX 360.... AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS STUPID HAT.
how much you think that would cost.
I Drank 750 Bottles Of Mountain Dew For A XBOX 360.... AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS STUPID HAT.
ok well then i will live with the cluster now but what about a new color for the face? i hate just the black i want a bluethat goes up to 150 speedo for later on. Any one know were i could one of these... its so hard to find one without a tach.