well. i finaly got the nerve to do something drastic tomy das. and it turned out great. im going to be using a rhino lining finishing guard stuff. will look EXACTLY like stock dash piece. same texture and everything
now compare this.........
to this........
now tell me what one looks better. ill be getting piks of it finaly painted and installed. but i gotta wait till thursday or friday for them. hope you guys like it.
how is the gauge mounted?? you just kinda stick it in there?
what did you use to mold the hole?
i made little sheat metal brackets. ill take apik and show you. just gotta give me a few. looks cheesy. gonna redo the mounts. and i stuck a piece of Styrene plasice from edge to edge. glued i in with model glue. and used an assload of body filler to smooth it out. turned out GREAT in my opinion.
heres the pik. sorry about the Quality. cameras to dead to use flash. get around to new batteries soon.
if the gauge goes in snug you don't need a bracket most times. if it's not snug, just use a piece of ballon or even a straw in beside it to hold it in, no one will even know with the bezel on the front.
Causa latet vis est notissima
DIY Clear 03+ Headlights
looks good. nice job. i have a few bezels sitting downstairs that are very similar to that, but they hold 2 gauges
keep up the good work
I gots a ? for ya. When you block off the vent like that, do youundo the tubing so hot air isn't blowing on the f/g? If so, what exactly did you do?
well. thanks for the good words. and i was thinking of dong 2 gauges. but didnt. and thanks for the balloon idea. and i have to cut the vent a little bit. then im just gonna duck tape it. nobody will ever know its there and it covors it up pretty good.
Wojo wrote:well. thanks for the good words. and i was thinking of dong 2 gauges. but didnt. and thanks for the balloon idea. and i have to cut the vent a little bit. then im just gonna duck tape it. nobody will ever know its there and it covors it up pretty good.
wait you mean DUCT tape can be used to tape DUCTs?
Causa latet vis est notissima
DIY Clear 03+ Headlights
sure why not, DUCT tape fixes everyting
got some red green goin on in here
wysiwyg wrote:i would say they bang, they don't really pound so much. but if
you want to bump, then they will bump and hit real hard and a lot good. 
You can use that spray foam in there, but it hardons once its sprayed. I can't remember what its called.
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
Great Stuff..thats the name of it