I hate my autoloc solenoids and have had enough of takin them out and fixin them. Can I just get spal solenoids and keep the autoloc kit? Will they hook up direct?
Yes you can, I did it and it worked out just fine. The auto loc brain and remote simply send a signal to the spal cel like anything else would. simply mount the spal, run the cable to the latch, and attach you signal and ground wires. I love my spal's
I bought my kit in the fall (autoloc ppp35k) i haven't installed it yet. What kit do you have? i hear the basic one sucks and winter up in the bay doesn't help much as well. i know some peeps have changed over to spal and the other way around
well put it this way I have taken them out about 8 or nine times to sand down the rust that gets on them from I am guessing the condensation. They really do need to have that rubber around them. The winter was even worse they would freeze and the door wouldn't even open sometimes.
I looked on the spal website and they only sell the full kits from what I found. Is there a place where I can buy just two solenoids? What would two of them cost? Thanx.
Any of the ORG dealers who read this if you can get just the solenoids let me know