This may have been posted already, but I'm going to ask.

......But how do you paint interior parts (Dashboard, door panels, etc.) and make it stick to the actual panels. Do you have to use a special kind of paint or prep the panels really well......AND does the paint stick pretty well to soft parts like the dashboard?
your paint your interior by using the search button. someone took the time to make a very nice how-to on painting interior pieces. the least you can do is search for it
i'm feeling generous, so click
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:27 PM
alias1429 (now with boost) wrote:your paint your interior by using the search button. someone took the time to make a very nice how-to on painting interior pieces. the least you can do is search for it
i'm feeling generous, so click
Thanks for the recource guide, however, it doesn't answer if the dashboard can be painted, and how.
The dash can't be painted, you'd have to dye it technically. The Fusion paints (or other paints that I know of) won't stick to it properly since the dash is covered in vinyl. The only thing you can do is try and use a vinyl dye on it and see if it comes out the way you like, or you'd have to take off the dash and strip all the vinyl and foam off it and paint that. HOWEVER, if you do remove all the foam and vinyl, your pieces won't go back together properly and they'll be small gaps where your vents are, where it connects to the bottom dash, etc. Thats why people don't really go for painting or messing with the dash, its too much hassle; especially if you fiberglass it.