Me and the wife primed up some interior pieces today. Thought I would give you guys some pics. Just got a compressor and a gun and I'm doin everything the right way the first time so I don't have to redo it ever again.
This is after 1 layer of primer and some sanding. I just washed them off and gettin ready to prime them again.
Everything needed for the proper way to do this. Spray gun and at least 2hp compressor. First thing you have to do is clean all the plastic parts with soapy water. Then spray them all with the adhesion promoter, then spray with primer that has the hardener and flex additive in it. It goes quicker when you train your wife to help. Of course I could go into more depth on how to do it, but you get the just of it.
Nice thick coat on there. Will be ready for final sanding with 320 after this, then on to prime the rest of the parts and then paint.
and my wife calls this the flyman picture lol, but this is me with my respirator on. I tried without the respirator but my garage is pretty small and I got sick and puked.... booooo
Nice. Definitely the way to go to do them the right way first. What type of gun you using?
Wide Body Progress
its just a temporary gun that we picked up at walmart for about 70 bucks, and we got a devilbliss on its way for the paint and clear coats. cant wait to get my hands on it
R.I.P. Kasey N. Burleson
I'm planning on doing the same thing. Getting a cheap paintgun from Wal*Mart for primer, and get something better for actually spraying paint.
Wide Body Progress
Well 70 bucks aint cheap and the gun I am gettin has multiple tips with it, once I get my other gun in I am returnin this one to wally world. hehe @!#$ walmart... they're bastards with their 100% markup. I got those pieces sanded already and I am going for another coat of primer and then they'll be ready for paint. About 4-5 pieces are already ready for paint. I am gettin really excited. I think I am going to go with black metallic paint with green metallic flakes. Green lighting on the inside of the car, green underbodies, and for a paint job eventually the same thing on the outside. What do you all think about that?
gotta love the pipe sitting their how many hits did u take after your threw up?
5 seconds to find another street...
I def wanna see pics when you're done, I plan on painting interior soon.
My car is dark red, I want to go glossy, red with lighter coats of black over it, so the red still shows through. Sort of like a glossy red black spray paint effect.
Also, do I NEED a paint gun for this job?