So im new to the J-body forum i did a search and couldn't find anything on this exactly so i figured i would post this to see if anybody could help me.
I have an 01 Z24 , i have put on white face guages and reverse glow black gauges. I put the white face gauges on about two years ago when i first bought the car. The install was quick painless and had gratifying results. I got irritated with the white face so i changed in out with the black reverse glow gauges. When i installed the second gauges after taking the first ones off (Of Course) all of my gauges got reset to the wrong position. My Speedo is exactly 10 MPH off my RPMS are off and so is the temp and gas gauge. i have reset my battery and checked all fuses thinking maybe it was something electrical. Nothing seemed to work. It has been this way for quite some time now and im just really getting irritated with it. There is no check engine light or anything of that sort for there to mean that there is sometime mechanical that went wrong. I'm kinda stuck here not knowing what to do.
The only thing i could come up with is maybe reseting the gauges, by either disconnecting the pertaining fuse or disconnecting the battery cable and then reconnecting the power supply while the gauge cluster is open and has a physical barrier stopping the needles from going back to far. Kinda of crazy, but thats all i got.
I really hope someone else hasn't posted this same thing and i was just to ignorant to see it. I'm trying to make friends on this site.
Well if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.
mine got all effed up when i installed my overlay, unplug the cluster, position the needles to the right possitiion and then plug the cluster back in and see what happens. it worked for me.
i tryed that too and then when i plugged it back in the needles just moved back. Its really wierd the needles drop back all the way to the plastic forming the gauge like as far back as possible. I think im just going to try and put something exatly at the zero point on the dial and then plug it back in and restrict the needles from going all the way back. Hopefully it works. Thanks though .