I painted the plastic around the switch about 8 months ago, now the driver window swithch goes up when it feels like it I got to hit it a couple times for it to go up, but it goes down fine any ideas
z28guy(KGM BEOTCH)
i think he is trying to say that when he hits the button to make the window go up, it doesnt and he has to push the button a few times to make it work.
take that trim out and look at the connections on the switch, maybe something came lose
it doesnt and i think thats whats gonna throw people off. as soon as he said he painted it 8 months ago, i just ignored the fact that he painted it because it has nothing to do w/ the problem. i think he thinks that because he painted it, it may of caused this problem which is not the case. i could see maybe a day later after he painted it that it started to act up but that fact that it went 8 months w/o a problem leads me to believe the paint has nothing to do w/ it
maybe whatever he removed while painting, he didn't put it back in place properly?
it was a relevant piece of info
I have a similiar problem. My window only goes up 7 inches at a time. I have to wait a few minutes at a time to get the window to go up. I have no clue what the problem could be?
power window switch probably