Ive got 01 cavalier I was wondering where I would beable to buy these Face gauges?
Thanks in advanced.
You ever try glueing thin white paper on to a plastic backing? without bleedthru? I've tried white cardboard I even went to a ink jet / paper sales place and bought translucent printable plastic (Remember highschool projecters with pie charts that showed on the wall?) that stuff ! and bought the lipstick gel glue and printed the gauges on the white cardboard and had the plastic over top..........no worky! lol I'm looking into were the shops buy the good printable thick plastic and i'm going to start my own designs and colors with the leds of choice and sell them for have of normal cost Theres a market for it and as long as theres scrap yards with clusters and speedos for any car and i have a scanner and a artisic touch there will be a market!
try your local sign shop, they have all kinds of stuff like that.
I have a white faced reverse glow one I had on an 02 with tach. If you are interested, email me to make an offer, I can send pics. pavendort@yahoo.com. I am VERY rarely on this forum as I sold the car near a year ago.
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You could always go to an art store or graphic shop like said earlier and pick up some of that graphics vinyl. You know the stuff Every car in the 3 Fast and Furious movies had all over them. lol I used to have tons of the stuff but gave most of it to my nephew. He uses them to make custom license plates and graphics. Hes got this printer like thing that rather then print, cuts the picture out into the vinyl. Iused to do it by hand. lol Wonder if he still does that stuff? =P
Don't judge a book by its cover. Atleast wait till the last page.You may be surprised by the end results.
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