Well I've had BBC guages in my car before in the 97. I have RKsports gauges in my 95Z, but I've not done the 2000+ guages just yet. I bought an 01 4-dr 5-speed without a tach. I just ordered a cluster with a tach off E-bay. Should be here soon I hope. Then I got to looking around and found some PAP Silver Reverse indego gauges. If you have any other gauges you might think I might like let me know for the 2000+. Thanks
www.blackcatcustom.com owns all. lol
2004 Chevy Cavalier
2.2 Ecotec
Modified all to hell
Forged Internals
Nitrous Oxide
I never liked the lighting output I got from them. I'm really liking the idea of the reverse gauges instead of anything eles right now. Anyone want to post up anything?
I still like the other ones better, but are those the ones from your car? It has been to long since I've seen or driven your car. BTW if you havin't seen I' have 3 J's now hehe...
Yes, those are the ones from my car. And my car has been in the garage a lot since I rebuilt the entire engine. No one drives it but me now.
2004 Chevy Cavalier
2.2 Ecotec
Modified all to hell
Forged Internals
Nitrous Oxide
I forgot what you did with your needles if anything... Feel me in on everything.
I didn't do anyhing to the needles. I swaped in a 140 cluster from BlackCat customs. He did the Blue LEDs for me, and I rebuilt the entire engine with FORGED everything and am now running 150 shot of nitrous. New hood, no more lambo doors, different spoiler, and soon to come is the paint job. Gotta love modding the hell out of cars..
Who needs three cars? I have one that is fast enough. hehehehe
2004 Chevy Cavalier
2.2 Ecotec
Modified all to hell
Forged Internals
Nitrous Oxide
Speedhut overlays rock...
Old pic, but you get the idea.
yea speedhut definatley makes the best guages out there. i tried a few years back to get a gp for the 95-99 but they all pussed out when money was needed. check them out they even have 2 1/6 custom face guages available. plus you can get a new bezel in cf or alum as well. www.speedhut.com
...but when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object,
evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty,
to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security...
Ryan, we're gonna have to take our cars out and run around one night lookin for victims
*eviil laugh*
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD
328 HP
306 TQ
For now I just ordered my CF gauge overlay from a company online. I can't make up my mind on ordering a set from anyone just yet. When I get a 100% I will get the ones I like. Feel free to keep posting up pic's of the ones you guys have. I forgot that one girls Z24 gagues on BBC where for the 2000+, but I haven't been the happest with BBC since I have had them for a few years in the Sunfire. For the Cavy's they don't cover up the the warning lights, but for the Sunfire they did. Couldn't see anything untill night. Almost made me have some proplems.