I was wondering if the seats out of a 2nd gen z24 would fit in my 87 olds firenza hatchback. Also do the power lock buttons and silinoids be a direct bolt up casue mine are broken and these ones look the exact same just wanna make sure the inside the door is the same. Also is a hundered bucks a good deal for all of this the seats are in near perfect condition and so are the aesthetics of the door handle and lock buttons
Anyone i have wedesday and thursday off so i wanna get these then also will the rear bench fit aswell i know its a diffrent styule of seat put the part folds down looks to be the same as my seat in the firenza.
different gens so i'm not sure but i found 82 cav seats that fit in my 89 cav so generation isn't everything.
and thats a fair deal, though i don't know anything about power locks (i've never had a car with power locks/windows)