Could you do me a huge favor and measure the distance on the holes in your seats? I have Tenzo seats and I'm looking to get the brackets and sliders, as I made my own and I hate I found some Corbeau brackets and sliders for a reasonable price and want to know if they'll fit. Thanks a lot! And if I buy the brackets sliders, you can have my home made ones!
I used the stock brackets and made adapters to bolt them together, I took off the risers on the drivers side seat so it doesn't sit as high as the passengers side. They don't go as far back as stock for some reason but far enough for comfort. I used
this thread to do it.
I have Tenzo seats also, utilizing the stock brackets, and some nice thick aluminum to adapt them. Love the height and positioning of them!
Cavie Freak, did you measure the holes on the tenzo sets?