looks sweet keep us updated!
2009 Ford Mustang V6
thanks it my first reupholstering job ever.... i think i did a very good job. for a newbie.
only thing i have left to figure out now is how to reupholster that last little bit.
sorry, can't help you there....looks great through, I just painted a bunch of pieces in my interior and was considering reupholstering that same little piece with a blue material (my interior is dark gray/blue...the blue being done by me).
If you figure it out, please update us on it...
think ive got a gameplan ill keep you all updated....
got the shape use either the original or make a template and use fabris sorta thick and some 3m general trim adheasive glue it back in place really easie and simple gonna do my friends in red . this will be by far easy. they sell that type carpet at walmart and fabric stores cheap.
not that simple... vinyl has a slight fabric backing so when you cut it you get frayed edges where the fabric shows. you have to fold the edges in thats the problem im having right now with it.
i was kinda wanting to use vinyl though. where can i pick up some of that fabric here... all ive got around is a walmart. and does it come in black?
here is what i am going to try. make a kickass template out of carboard or something of the sort and make sure to get it damn near perfect. now make your vinyl inserts and apply them as you normally would. now here is my not so original idea. get some of that piping that goes where some stitches are made... like seats. lay that around the outside of the vinyl to make it look drop dead sexy. I dunno if that makes any sense to you or not, but thats my plan. my buddy used the piping stuff as an accent on all of his seat's stitching when he had them made.
good idea....
got a name for the piping
i think i got a plan... will update back tomorrow evening with my results....
Why dont you get some very thin panel board and make the shape out of that..ten wrap that and bond it to the door..that would be my best idea and im sure itd look the best..phil
thats a good idea, but could be a problem if u have manual windows. it looks like that would be the way to go for you tho
how would you bond it too the door? what kind of adhesive do you suggest?
youle need something heavier then cardboard or u wont get a tight tuck of the vynal. youlle need hardboard, and that coud cuase problems if u have manual windows. all piping is, is vinyl that the made an edge by folding some vynal over and then sewing it. would be hard to make yoursef unless you have a heavy duty sewing maching but you may be able to order it from somewhere. ive seen several people try vynal and ive yet to see one turn out good so good luck with it man.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sndsgood/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/Square1Photography
im still brainstorming... btw where can i get the that fabric you mentioned earlier sndsgood? if all else fails ill just get black and upholster that in there.
If you use hardboard for that area with vinyl over it make sure you put some holes in the hardboard before covering it so you can still hear your speakers.
ive thought about that i think im just going to go with the subbox carpet.