I want to remove my headliner and do the whole dye paint thing but I cannot figure out how to remove the interior plastic pieces and the top fold down portion of the seat. I just really need help on how to remove everything so I can pull the headliner and dye it. Any help will really be appreciated.
First off, fill out your profile with your car info.
Secondly, to remove the...
Front A-Pillar (the ones by the window)
-Just pull
-Three screws on the mounting "plate".
-They are torx head screws like T15 or so (but don't quote me)
Back side panels (the ones next to the back seat.
-Remove the "coat hanger" clip
-The older cars had little "push pins" that have to be removed
-The newer ones have phillips head screws
-Remove the bottom seatbelt anchor
-Down by the side of the seat, should be either a T45 or a T50 torx bolt (i've seen both but a T45 if I remember right is more common)
-Remove the top seatbelt anchor
-Pop open the little cover (be careful not to break it) and it should be the same torx bolt.
Now there is one step that I'm unsure of. I can't remember if in the older Js you have to pull the rear seat to get the panels off. If so, there is this little wedge between the seat back and the panel. Pull that with a pliers and you should be able to pull the back seat out.
-Remove the panel
-Pull - there are clips that hold it.
Pull headliner
-There should be 3 plastic push pins. Use a trim tool or very carefully a pliers.
Watch out for wires when you pull the headliner and you'll have to unclip the domelight harness.
Now some people have been able to just pull the headliner out without removing the rear panels. It's just what you're comfortable with.
Also, it may take some figuring, but the headliner will come out the door. Lay the seats all the way back and it usually makes it a bit easier.
Ask if anything doesn't make sense.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, May 06, 2007 3:16 PM
no makes a lot of sense sorry about everything but i really appreciate it. I plan on doin it tuesday but if i have any problems ill let u know.
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