______ seats into a cavalier/sunfire - Interior Forum

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______ seats into a cavalier/sunfire
Saturday, May 19, 2007 9:40 PM
Okay people, enough with the same question being asked over and over. Please do a search before you decide to flood the interior forum. We are all learning what we can do with our cars so remember that before you ask a question, everyone else might want to know as well and don't have the answer. So, search on j-body.org, yahoo, google, and any other site you can think of. Why not try some of these questions out and find out if they will fit in a cav/fire.

For the next guy that comes out and asks the question stated above, please think twice and either try it yourself first and let us know if it worked or search high and low for the answer before you post another topic.

Thank you fellow j-owners
Omar De Lara


5 seconds to find another street...

Re: ______ seats into a cavalier/sunfire
Saturday, May 19, 2007 10:37 PM
wow..... say it as much as you want.... but its not going to change things.


Re: ______ seats into a cavalier/sunfire
Sunday, May 20, 2007 10:49 AM
do you fill better now?

Re: ______ seats into a cavalier/sunfire
Sunday, May 20, 2007 11:50 AM
What crawled up your a$$ and died? This is the second obnoxious post I've read from you in the past few minutes. This post is just as useless, if not more so, than posts about what seats will fit in a J. Get a life and quit trying to act like you're hot $hit.

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