i have a cavalier with blue a pillar guages and blue el glow guages.. i want to change the LEDS on the window switches and the needles/ mileage ... I cant figure out how to do either tho.. any help??
Do a search they're many threads on this topic.
But first if you wold like help, we need to know what year your car is! Fill out your profile.
95-99 gauge lights are relatively easy they're is a big write up look for "95-99 LED Cluster" or something like that.
00+ guages your probably just gonna have to send it to Black Cat Customs, it is almost gaurenteed you will ruin your cluster if you try to change the lights look it up,i won't go into detail.
Now for your window switches, there is a guy on here who did it, but won't supply the info on how to do it. I am assuming you will have to resolder a new bulb in, which can be hard if you don't know much about electrical. But if you really want it done, i know that the guy who did his windows is willing to do it for other members, for a price of like 40$ or something like that. I don't remember where it was posted, but i am pretty sure it was on a post dealing with changing HVAC LED's.
my car is a 1997 cavalier RS...I read the write up but it doesnt say how to change JUST the needle color.. my guages are already blue but now i want red needles..
iv searched the forum and a few members have done the power window switches.. that the first thing im doing.. i plan on doin it tomrow so any help now owuld be great!!!!! and next week the needles
Paint the friggen needles...thats all you can do. The bulbs will change the whole cluster color. Not just needles.
so if my cluster is already blue,, why arent the bulbs??
your needles will light up red if you put the red leds in it or red bulb covers on. because u have the blue EL gauges the red wont show through any of the gauges because they are solid the only place the red will show through is the needles and the odometer
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Take the switches apart and paint the inside of them, the light will shine thru in the color you use.