I have decided i wanted to take my z24 interior to all black and have covered all angles of the redo with the exception of seats and the carpet. I know i can buy stock carpet to reinstall in place of it, but my budget is not great. I was wondering if anyone had any positive experiences by replacing the carpet with store bought carpet and adhesives of some sort. I've seen in done in cars before, but i'm just don't know if i would be able to do it. Any help on these matters is appreciate. Thanks.
i wouldn't recomend it, the carpet is formed and molded to the body of the car, I REALLY dought you will be able to get an OEM fit with just carpet and som adhesives
you won't get a nice outcome.
the carpet in the car is formed and heated to the contour of the floors. I suggest buying a new carpet instead...it will save you more headaches in the long run.