I posted this in the HVAC one, but here it is in its own post,
I was playing around at home the other day after getting some things from pick-n-pull, and looked at some hvac covers,
wanted to see if I could get them clear(I want to make them blue), so I thought that since it was paint, paint thinner may work, but I did not have that, so I used nail polish remover, same thing, and it worked really well, I got a little deep and it took some of the black parts off with it, I might be able to paint them back on.
this will also work to take the paint off the needles in the clusters.
this should work with almost any paint that is on plastic parts, as well as other materials(maybe)
I used a Q-tip and just used a really light touch, worked best when I had alot of the remover on the q-tip, just be very careful that you don't wipe too hard and take the black off with it like I did.
a pic of the needles(left was trying to scrape it off, middle is new, right is using nail polish remover)
the hvac cover(first try went not so good in some spots, lost some of the black paint)
thought this may help, found a few threads with people trying to scrape the paint off.
Nice! Im going to do my power door locks this week, so i might go to a yard to get some odds and ends, maybe ill pick a spare Hvac up.
just make sure that you use lots of nail polish remover, it felt like when it evaporated it started to get harder and that is when I rubbed to hard and took the black bits off, all trial and error
i will definately do that, WHEN i get a chance and a weekend to take off the dash, and do the (any)ometer coloring.
i cant decide between red or Blue though.
( i know If i want red, I can just get a sunfire cluster)
But I like blue and The car's Burgandy (dark red)...see my dilema?
Even my LED's are blue AND red!
Thrice . wrote:i think you should go back and try to actually order some cam valves. see if he has any in stock. then ask him to give you an actual price and show you the website or anything legit about where he orders from...for all you know he is this dumb, and orders things that don't exist....he's probably got 10 of those ebay transistors that gave him eleventy hundred pony power....what a douche.
same problem for me, I want blue, but the cav has the dark grey and red dot seats, I figure at night you can't really see the red anyway, so I am just going blue anyway, and the car is black so it will look good, I am going to paint the calipers and drums red, might even paint my winter rims red too, I got the 92 z24 rims for my winters, painted the cover black because they were really corroded, but I think red in the winter would be sweet, give it that old rat rod look,
I tried to take the paint of a hvac that had glue all over the back of it and it didn't work so well, I might try and see if some goo gone will take the glue off and make it easier, something to waste some time anyway!
goo-gone eats though CD's...try iy, ittl remove those pesly scratchers...then remove the rest of the CD... SO I dont know what kind of an effect it will have on HVAC knobs
Thrice . wrote:i think you should go back and try to actually order some cam valves. see if he has any in stock. then ask him to give you an actual price and show you the website or anything legit about where he orders from...for all you know he is this dumb, and orders things that don't exist....he's probably got 10 of those ebay transistors that gave him eleventy hundred pony power....what a douche.
no tfor the nobs, just the glue that holds the clear plastic cover on the HVAC plate