Hi, i'm facing problem at the moment, after I paint on the plastic surface(after premer), i can notice there are many little hole, look like pimple.... any idea to avoid this or fix them?
I did sanding and repaint again but still can ignore little holes(it's not bubble...). anybody know how? is it because that product sucks? oh by the way product name is duplicolor.
Some one told me it's because I using spraying can not a air compressor..
Just trying to do something in my life...
oil or dust will cause this to happen. or you spraying to close to the pieace your working on
sand her down use a higher grit paper then clean down with soapy water and dry off then spray it with the color of choice then let dry between each coat. then clear and let sit for a few hours!
Good LUCK!
OEM CAMBER/CASTER KIT 10 People for $210 <P>
Make sure you're parts are cleaned very well. If you hold them with your hands, your fingers will leave oil behind on the piece you are going to paint. Wear gloves, or touch the pieces only on the backside.
Also, spray using light coats, a good couple layers of light coats works better than a few layers with heavy coats.
Try that out and let us know how it worked.
fear teh fish eyes!!
seriously though its a cleaning problem......... the surface has dirt/oil/grease on it......... you need to clean the hell out of it with soap and water then a good degreaser
it also sounds like he is talkin aboyut the texture of the interior pieces, but yea, clean it really well, i like to use stoner glass cleaner
many changes in the making
my favorite part about doing bodywork,.......... bondo bugers
rubbing alch works the best cleans any surfaces and like ^ they said use thin coats stand back spray from side to side bout 6-8" away just make shure u got a good base of primer on and what i have allways done is clean it between each coat then clear coat on top.