Might be a black cat customs... I dunno, I know they have the 140mph gauges.
Corsica Dude wrote:Might be a black cat customs... I dunno, I know they have the 140mph gauges.
140 yes, 160. I doubt it. If the kid took the limiter off in the video I guess it is possible to use another cluster and piggy back it.
RobMan 41 - Project GXP wrote:Corsica Dude wrote:Might be a black cat customs... I dunno, I know they have the 140mph gauges.
140 yes, 160. I doubt it. If the kid took the limiter off in the video I guess it is possible to use another cluster and piggy back it.
The only reason I say this is because Alex's "140 clusters" are only 00+ CDN guages and aren't "custom" at all. I have a set and I don't see it possible for him to squeeze in the the extra digits. Plus that cluster set looks a lot older than an +00 set for a Cavi.
lol after a few minutes of looking around online I found out where that cluster came out of. It is not from an american or canadian Chevy Cavalier. Rather a Vauxhall Cavalier GSi 16v Turbo. Which is a UK GM counterpart. I dunno if it is anywhere close in relation to an american cavi, but from I started reading was a ballsy little car, offered with a 2.0L turbo charged engine and four-wheel drive in the GSi2000 version.
geez thats crazy anyway thanks guys ill check that site out for gadges i also was trying to find a rev gadge for indash that goes up to 8k
this is an old pic updated pic soon
that black cat site doesnt work
this is an old pic updated pic soon
yeah that cluster isnt from a US model
and not related to any J-body parts
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, August 23, 2007 12:51 PM