i was wondering if anyone has done this. I have a lime green car and i have found lime green carpet for about 150.00 (not bad).... but i want to paint the carpet liner in my trunk so i would like the carpet on the inside of the car and the carpet on the inside of the trunk to match. So can anyone give me any good information on how to do this? or any kindas of paint? thank you
You could try die. But chances are it won't match. Your best bet would be to buy two sets of carpet and cut one up to fit the trunk.
My brother used the spray-able dye. He used black though, Im not sure if lime green would show over the black, although it is more of a paint than a dye....so I wouldnt doubt that spraypaint would work. I would cut off a small piece of the carpet in the trunk where you dont see it (like where it goes down into the spare wheel area) and paint it and see if it turns out how you want it. Good luck!
-Nate (ZeeTwankyFo)
Good chance it wont match.
hey zeetwankyfo here did you find the sprayable dye to do this project
I'm pretty sure summit has it...
hey you could spray the trunk in primer (white, or gray), and let that seat so that the lime green would show up better than if you apply directly on the carpet
what is with people bring back all these old threads?
StrippedCav98 (Now Quotable) wrote:what is with people bring back all these old threads?
usually comes from searching
^ exactly! people hound the new-comers about searching before they post and then they complain about people posting in "old posts" they find through searching!!
seriously... ?? make up your mind which one you want to deal with!
Godspeed wrote:^ exactly! people hound the new-comers about searching before they post and then they complain about people posting in "old posts" they find through searching!!
seriously... ?? make up your mind which one you want to deal with!
5 seconds to find another street...