What's a comfortable seat for a 2002 Sunfire coupe (preferably something leather and luxurious and adjustable) from another car that will fit and not make my butt feel like I've been severely beaten by Dumbledore on the rag and my back feel like someone rammed some rusty nails in my spine?
I'm making a joke with this question, but I seriously can't take it anymore. I really like the Sunfire, but I hate the seats. I don't care about seats, I don't care about a "racing" look. I just want COMFORT. I sometimes drive up to 8 hours at a time and I cannot and will not take hours of pain anymore.
Please please please...
Someone must know. I beg you.
any seat can fit in there. Basically the overall widths and heights are what you need to worry about. Take some measurements of you old seats, go online, go to the scrap yard and scope things out. I have seen people put GTO and Ion Redline seats in their cars. I believe their posts are floating around here if you search for them. I think the GTO seats just barely made it into the car and required some custom fabrication to make the rear seats fit but works, and were all leather, adjustable, etc.
You can go with after-market momo seats or something along the lines of those as well. Its basically preference. But the majority of seats that you try to put into your J will require custom fabricated mounts/rails/slides etc. Its up to you basically, I hope some either chime in with experiences with some after market seats to help you out. I plan on reupholstering my original seats in leather to match the "GXP" theme so I can't be of much more help to you.
how about these? very comfortable. scratch that, REALLY comfortable from experience. and i'm a fluffy guy about 5'11''.
click here
i went back to stock seats but down the road, i plan on getting some of these.
5 seconds to find another street...
some people feel cavalier seats are very comfortable. well because people have diffrent tastes and likes. if you want a seat that is really comfortable, id just start going out and sitting in some seats to see which ones you like, you may have a few people suggest a seat that they say is great and then u go out buy it, make the brakets for it and after a few weeks you feel its worse then the ones u had.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sndsgood/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/Square1Photography
Damn that Jason guy is one smart Dude!

whats your budget the seats I currently have are the most comfortable seats I have ever sat in I was between the ones I have and 04 Corvette seats
not cheap but they are amazing
I have RSX seats and I think those are awesome. You can find leather ones for cheap. I paid mine 300$ for two and they were brand new.
You have to make custom brackets for them to fit but it's well worth it in my opinion.
Good luck with your search!