Bought the car 2 and a 1/2 years ago from a local dealer with 23k miles for 8g's. Here is how she looked bone stock...

Ahhh here comes the ricer stage i can't believe i did any of this will notice the Faze and APC stickers for added HP lol. Also had green mirror tints, dual tip fart can, altezza's, yellow painted vents inside, and it wasnt lowered. OH LORD....

THEN I JOINED THE ORG! My taste in what looks good got a little better. I got my Import Fighter front bumper and Type J sides and rear, but then went out and slapped an aluminum wing on the back. big mistake. hehe. Ah yes, I had it painted also!

Finally I lowered it and then took off the wing.

And how it sits now....I'ts not done YET but sometime by the end of the month it will be I Promise!!! I now have a Full Type-J kit, 18' Racing Hart C5's, Vis Carbon Fiber Evo hood, Pro-stock spoiler, Full Exhaust, 95-99 Toyota Tails,Corbeau CR1 seats soon, and a newly done interior. Here's the latest few pics I have. Thanks for checking out my Evolution of my ride and sorry for it being so long there was so many stages! hehe. JBO led me in the right direction thanks guys!

^ ^ ^ And that will be the car when its done this month! Thanks for checkin in!
ur car is HAWT!!!
Simply J's of MD
wow, what a difference, i love that color! keep it up man. have your friend contact me regarding my hood
i looove cavys with the IF front bumper..i wish i could slap it on my 01 cav
where did the IF front go?
i wanna hump your car!

Portage, MI
Thats awesome...
I have a friend with a green 2.2.. looks exactly like yours did... he would be amazed what it can look like..
<Img src="">
"Have faith in people....God is just an imaginary friend for grownups."
Hah I've been laughing ever since too. I haven't seen those pics in so long. BUT you wont be laughing for long. Im taking some new pics of my car tomorrow
cool prob the best looking cavalier in WNY.
that last pic of what the car will look like.... That looks alot like the pic I took of Cavie Freaks car.... did you photoshop it?
Bortsy - If you know Corey Housenect RKS Z24 you can't say that cuz he thinks his was 1000000x better than mine or anyone elses will ever be. Even tho he didnt pay for it or do any of the work.
Darkstars - it is the same pic you took of Cavie Freaks car. This week im gunna get up on my roof and take the exact same pic with my actual car. lol
Car looks really good man, keep up the good work.
Mark A wrote:
Darkstars - it is the same pic you took of Cavie Freaks car. This week im gunna get up on my roof and take the exact same pic with my actual car. lol 
to get the smae one you have come out here to Illinois

I'm waiting...... *stands up looking out the window waiting*
Keep your eyes peeled im right around the corner.....
...about 1,000 miles away.
OK man, PLEASE tell me you still have the IF front... I will run from Toronto to your house for it!!!!!!
I love your car by the way...
Nope I sold it to some other guy from Toronto who came and paid me cash and tons of it. HEHE. Sorry man but thanks for the compliment on the car!
who is he? I know how to get into garages

J/K! Know anybody else selling one?
Hmmm...nope, I'm not really in the market for one.