Not bad... should look pretty sweet when painted.
nice man...looks great...I love the 03 headlights
they remind me of tiburon headlights
Wow, nice job! That�s going to confuse the hell out of some people!
how long did it take you?
__ - Chevy Cobalt Enthusiasts
Big Poppa
Ya I never realized how similar they are to the tiburon. Isnt it great being different from everyone else.
Especially with the chevy logo on the front. It took about 6 hours total for everything.
Who's blue cav is that? Its gorgeous
Its Chads (cadwz24) its a 03 with a 2k front end.
i dont know if you know or not, but the part that the hood latch mounts to (peice off core supposrt) is different from the sunfire to the 03+ cav... thats why your hood doesnt shut all the way
i just put a 04 cav front on my 02 sunfire gt last month.... thats how i know....

wow your car is gonna look nice ... i think all you need now is ls sport side skirts ...
Ya I ordered the hood striker from my work and a couple of brackets that the cavs use and the sunfires dont so by next weekend or so it will fit good then.
azn cAv
I just gotta find a set of them for a good price, preferably white so I dont have to paint so much stuff and I'm putting a 95-99 gt rear bumper on and that will complete it.
looks sweet as He!! I am looking for an 03 cav or an new fire front. I want to get it off some one though so I can get EVERYTHING that I need. Well atleast mostly everything I need. I have a 02 cav front and 97 fire front that i would be willing to trade for and maybe a little cash. Didnt mean to jack this but..... VERY nice car.
Hey I'm curious, on my 03 headlights there is a sleeve.. or a metallic shield surrounding
the bulb. I didn't notice that on your headlights.
Just thought I'd point that out in case it's important, I really don't know.
Besides that it looks great, it will def. throw off a lotta ppl.
Andy......... were u in tallmadge, Ohio yesterday?.......... or akron??? i swear i seen u driving your daily driver when i was pimping gas!!!??? lol let me know
Sweet! Wanna trade fronts with my 95 now?
Performance cars do not win car shows and show cars do not win races.
It's up to you to decide which you'd rather win.
Turned out good steve can't wait to see it all painted up. Glad I could help in creating another Cavfire.
Take off the stickers and get a hood latch and you're good to go!

EXESIVE FIRE (Andy Brooks) wrote:
i dont know if you know or not, but the part that the hood latch mounts to (peice off core supposrt) is different from the sunfire to the 03+ cav... thats why your hood doesnt shut all the way
i just put a 04 cav front on my 02 sunfire gt last month.... thats how i know....
We had an '03 Cav to compare stuff to, we raised the latch assembly, and he ordered the striker. Should be good to go after that.
Wojtek wrote:Hey I'm curious, on my 03 headlights there is a sleeve.. or a metallic shield surrounding
the bulb. I didn't notice that on your headlights.
Just thought I'd point that out in case it's important, I really don't know.
We removed those, my buddy did that when he first bought his 2003 with no real side effects, they both thought it looked cleaner, and there you have it.
Looks great Steve, but where's my credit

? I want to thank Brett and Chad for hooking him up with the parts to do this.......with the '03+ LS Sport sides and the GT rear + a lil paint it's going to be hot! I love the line on the bumper and how it flows with the rear quarter panel, and I still can't get the image of you driving out to my house with the headlight bulbs taped to the front bumper and it being dark as hell out

....oh and all that @!#$ water dripping on me trying to use the sand blaster on the IDI cover

I have a list of things I want to chat with you about Steve, so give me a call!
kustmace wrote:
Who's blue cav is that? Its gorgeous
Are you asking abou the blue cav or the white and blue cav? The white and blue cav belongs to Ryan Hoffman.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
dang when did all this madness happen. im like a mile down the road. looks sweet though
He picked stuff up/hung out at Brett's Sunday morning/early afternoon

Install took place that night at my place! Good times.
Good God you little picture whore! lmao. It's gonna look great man.
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Who's blue cav is that? Its gorgeous
Looks pretty stock to me.
And ur car looks sweet, i think i may do that conversion sometime in the future.
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