^w3rd....lower that @!#$, and she will look bad ass!

Portage, MI
I'm with everyone else...just needs a drop! you got the hard part done...sooo wait for spring, and then put somethin nice under there in the suspension department
It's been a long time since I saw a car that needed a drop that badly.
I'll post my opinion when it's slammed.
It'll be a good opinion though, I'll tell you from now.
will look really hot once dropped.....
nice choice in kit, its really growing on me
Take off the side moldings and drop it and it will look really good, nice job man looks nice.
Looks awesome man. Isn't that a beautiful color?
TAX ID: 45-8013458577-3
The more i see that kit, the more i realize, to me, that is the best looking, best flowing and least aftermarket-looking kit out.... boy am i glad mines on the way
Thanks for the comments guys, i still need the rear lip, if anyone has one or knows someone that is selling it let me know.
Love it

Maybe its just my avenger sides, but mine are alot lower in the back than any others Ive seen
Looks sweet
Words that you can't use in modding: Finished, Perfect, Cheap.
car looks hot---as said above--shave the side moldings---as far as a drop, it looks good either way if you ask me.
Makes me wish Wings West would make a kit for the 03-05
I love the color, and why would you need bigger wheels? The ones you have look purdy good IMO, I would go with lowering but, keep the wheels, they flow very well.
thats hot ....need to drop

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
looks awesome, glad to see my front put to good use. now sell the 17's and buy my 18's

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
I'm glad that those sides turned out good...it looks GREAT! Does make me miss my old front bumper, though.
Oh, and I've also got a set of lowering springs I could sell ya, too....LOL
That photoshoped Pic makes that car look 10x times better! I agree about the wheels being okay. Drop it first and then change the wheels if you think you need to. The Avenger and WW Big Mouth fronts have grown on me a lot the past few months. I like them alot now. Looks pretty sweet! Keep it coming!
Drop it like its hot!!!!
<img src="http://www.hybridcav.com/images/whynot.gif">
the wheels are definitely too small, its just that the angle of the pix doesn't show it

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -