Hi everybody. This is my first time posting, and here are a few pics of my car. I wanted something crazy that would stick out so this is what i got.
It has airride on it now and also new clears, and tails. Also the blue on the front end is alot darker than in the pictures.
I'll get some pics of her slammed on the ground here soon.
i like the kit, and the flames are def. unique. they're so bright and bold. just drop it and u'll be good.
If it were mine it would be all orange.....looks good tho!
that car needs air ride.....
i like the paint work....

<b>APlusperformance.com January 2005 Ride Of The Month
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What color orange is that?
I know you want to stick out....but baby blue and orange? Yikes...
i like it! its different. it reminds me of the scooby doo van!
do u guys read???? he says he HAS air ride, its just not slammed, hes going to get pics with it lowered later....gawd ( ND ) haha
Its not actually a baby blue. The blue is alot darker like i said before. It does have air I just need to get new pics of it. If i have time this weekend I'll take some new pics.
i like the paint. its defenatly unique. other than that! looks real hot!

Portage, MI
A buddy of mine has an s-10 with a paint job that stands out about as much as your cav does. Once you drive like a jerk around town people are gonna remember your car, and cops will too. So just be careful who you piss off. But a thumbs up from me.
<img src="http://free.hostdepartment.com/p/pimpincavy96/sig.jpg" alt="cr0nus" border="0">
looks good and all but stick with one color!!! not really my style.
but i was taught that if i didn't have anything good to say, not to say anything at all
if you like it more power to ya!!!
i like how ur front calipers are green and ur back drums are orange..
not feeling it. too much going on.
if the front end was a darker blue...like Syracuse University colors....it would be teh hotness!
nice work.
Premium since 1.5.2005
You definately got some balls to do something so daring and a little off the wall.... and you pulled it off a TON better than most people that i have seen say "i wanted to be different". i like it, came out great! the brakes are the one thing i dont like, i mean... yeah they match, but just to be safe i woulda painted em all black just not to clash with anything... car looks totaly hot all around, get us pics of it slammed, anything done inside??
sweet car man
The bitch who is gonna kick ur ass
I love everything except the paint.
<img src="http://www.sskinner.net/sig17.jpg">
not diggin the paint really, and the bright green calipers stick out too much
I admire the work, dont like the colors you chose, but it definately stands out!!
The worst part is the flames.... I hate flames... why flames!!?? hehe
Great work overall!!!!!!!!!!
<Img src="http://www.gnx.ca/stylez/stylez05sig.jpg">
"Have faith in people....God is just an imaginary friend for grownups."
In the end, whatever makes you happy. I like it though, just not something i would do. Props for doing to your car what many wouldn't dream.
<a href="http://www.cardomain.com/id/silverstallion06"><img border=0 src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/italbro/J-Body_sig.jpg">
nice paint job but what were u thinking on ur color choices??? no offence but yeah be careful on who u piss off cuz the cops will remember you like they remember me!!! heads up nice paint!!
Cr0nuS wrote:A buddy of mine has an s-10 with a paint job that stands out about as much as your cav does. Once you drive like a jerk around town people are gonna remember your car, and cops will too. So just be careful who you piss off. But a thumbs up from me.
Thats true with any kind of car that is modified. as long as people find something that they can remember it by.
Big-L (Luc)

'04 Sunfire SL
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