Well it is not even close to complete, but I figured I would post some pics of where we are at now so you can get a rough idea where we are going with this... My bro and fellow Team DROPZONE member James Cahill helped me with everything thus far. He is a guru with fiberglass. Again this is not complete or even close, these are just progress pics.
This is the old layout in white felt at Hot Tuner Night last year
<img src="http://teamdropzone.net/memberpics/17-363.jpg">
Here it is coming apart
<img src="http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/4/web/688000-688999/688537_36_full.jpg">
<img src="http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/4/web/688000-688999/688537_37_full.jpg">
James tracing the new panel
<img src="http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/4/web/688000-688999/688537_39_full.jpg">
Me cutting the bracing for the subencloser
<img src="http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/4/web/688000-688999/688537_40_full.jpg">
Test fit of the panel
<img src="http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/4/web/688000-688999/688537_41_full.jpg">
The subbox in the panel
<img src="http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/4/web/688000-688999/688537_42_full.jpg">
James soldering the new drain valve for my air ride
<img src="http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/4/web/688000-688999/688537_43_full.jpg">
A rough idea of how things are going to be placed. The amp is going to be higher off of the trunk floor at an angle facing the rear of the trunk and so isn't the Nitrous tank.
<img src="http://teamdropzone.net/memberpics/17-361.jpg">
<img src="http://teamdropzone.net/memberpics/17-362.jpg">
<img src="http://teamdropzone.net/memberpics/17-360.jpg">
I am going to spray the Compressor, the Nitrous tank and possibly the six gallon air tank the custom color of the car and everything else that is fiberlglassed is going to be sprayed with the same reflective white pearl that is in the mid coat of the Z's paint now. Thanks for looking and hope you get an idea of where we are headed with this.
i like how the sub box fits into the false floor, gonna look pimperish!
Gonna look sweet when your all done
that is going to turn out soo sweet.
good luck with it
Thanks guys! I appreciate the kind words and enthusiasum! I will keep ya posted on how things progress.
lookin good already, so it'll look great once it's finished.
a really cool design....I like it a lot....gonna sound good too

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Hey thanks guys! Your enthusiasum helps a lot! I can't wait to get back down to the garage and work on it somemore. Right now I have to cut the MDF for mounts for the Amp, Nitrous bottle and Compressor. Once those are all cut up and installed the fiberglassing begins! Man I can't wait
Ive always wondered this. When all said and done sanding the Fiberglass and such...do you paint everything while inside the trunk? Or how does that work?

Portage, MI
^^^^ it all depends if the panels are removable or not
Well Ruen hopefully I can help you on this confusion bro. This is what I plan on doing. First off the Compressor and the Nitrious tank will be sprayed outside of the vehicle. Everything else will be sprayed inside the trunk. This can be hard to achive without drips and runs because of all of the overspray that can occur, SOooooooooooo the answer to this is that I will be backing the Z into the spray booth with the rear facing the exhaust fan and then putting a couple of fans from the rear of the backseat. This will keep the overspray moving from the my HVLP gun and help minimize runs. Their is a lot more to it, but that is it in a nutshell. Hopefully this helps you out bro. Take care!
Thanks man! I just finished designing and building the amp mount. I will post pics when it is installed.
im curious to see how the final product will look, i might be fiberglassing some more stuff soon too
Good luck with your project man!
i like how you got the sub mounted like that, but it seems too cluttered IMO. but none the less, looks good. keep up the good work.
<A HREF="http://www.cardomain.com/id/eazy716"><IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/eazy716/personal_pic.gif" BORDER="0"></A>
When it is done I am hoping to achive a non-cluttered install, but only time will tell
this is just and idea. but how about mounting the amp or pump or air tank on the trunk lid. .. just and idea.
hope it comes out good.
member 1244or55
With the trunk lid being made out of Carbon Fiber it would not a good place to mount anything with wieght to it. I had thought about it in the past with my old set up, but with the trunk being so light and thin their is no true/safe mounting spot. I could always fab one up, but I want the trunk to look professional when all is said and done. I am going to try very hard to make it all flow together, especially with the paint scheme. Thanks Mike though for the suggestion man! It is good to hear from ya! Take care!
i have always loves ur car man, that's looking great, can't wait to see when it's done