for those how ave not reads few of my past treads ,i was thinking of building a cavbird whit the z24 i have just pursase. but that car is so clean, makes me wonder if i should sale the bird and rebuilt that one instead.
of course the z24 represent less works no need for engine swap and all.but i don`t care about less work factor.
the new z24 looks like this one

my sunbird like this right now
here what i am thinking doing now ,( using fabian design) i could copy is z24 or due cavbird with his body kit ,see picks and tell me what you thing ,should i used only 2 door red will look like fabian replica or used the design on the 4door purple blue .
witch one look better.
to be defrent is to be original
Wow that is a CLEAN Z24! WOW I am impressed at how well it has been taken care of. As far as the two I would go with the fabian replica in my opinion. Something about the red and that bodykit click for me. Good luck and keep us posted!
do both

i would do the sunbird version
itll be similar, but still different
i like the red one.. just drop that, swap all ur mods over and sell the bird... both sweet looking cars, but not as much of a fan of the 4 dr as the 2 dr. you could make that 2 dr one of the best looking 1st gens on the org. imo... lots of potential.. lots
I would love to keep both but with my famely and all my wife wont let me ,already tried.
to be defrent is to be original
i say blue...
btw. cavbird sounds funny...
i like to call my car the SunValier 3series (sunbird inteior, rims, trunk... and Cavalier everything else BUT the headlights (bmw 3series)
here is better view of the red z24 with my rims and wing or my bird bleu with the z24 addapted kit . witch one due you like better so far it's 50/50
i really don't know witch one to due up ,my bird got lot's sentimental value has it is first model j i ever own but z24 is a rare model of the time
to be defrent is to be original
Do the sunbird. Or if your going to do the 1st gen at least design and build your own kit. Fabians has been copied before and there is really no need for a 3rd time.
props to Fabian for doing such a good job ,it open they eye of first gen has to option never notice before, i will never take it for granted and see i'm and the original, i will be proud to say i got this idea from him, it's not meant has a insult
to be defrent is to be original
Yeah, im just saying. Its not really necessary to copy his kit, there are plenty of other options.
Its great that you think of my car as something to copy, but in all honesty, get your own design. I worked my ass off making my car the way it is, I don't need someone else copying it again, let alone in the same city as me.
Be ORIGINAL and do something your self.
side and rear i was planing to be deferent for sure , there is some option for sure ,i was thinking using sides from grand am gt 1992-1995, rear, if on the bird i would simply used factory z24 rear lip , but front ,i would love to get original lip but face it other the that there is not mush to due with the cav execpt your design, the bird there is even less.
if i keep the z24 i will most likely keep it stock execpt for rims, drop and wing
if i due the bird i will go all out but your front is the only one i ave seen in first gen that really stand out beside the regular front with the lip witch i cannot find any were
it`s not done yet or decided and if i due ,it will be a 3year proses i have very limited time to work on it
to be defrent is to be original
id go with the two door, keep both if u can.
Just because my front bumper stands out the most, doesn't mean you need it on your car, it took me a full winter to do that, get your own idea, there are other ways to do this bumper.
Fabian wrote:Its great that you think of my car as something to copy, but in all honesty, get your own design. I worked my ass off making my car the way it is, I don't need someone else copying it again, let alone in the same city as me.
Be ORIGINAL and do something your self.
boooooooo @!#$ who cry a @!#$ river. If someone wnats to copy u let them. U cant stop thema nd getting pissed about it is childish. oh no there are 10000000000000000 other cavaliers jstu like mine out there but do i cry when i see them. grow the @!#$ up. no matter what u do someone will like it and copy it.
Dey see me Trollin' Dey hatin' for trollin dey trying to catch me ridin dirty.

Buddy, his car is custom build. He made the kit from scratch. Would you not be a little bit upset if you spent a year working on a kit only to have someone in the same town try to copy your car the very next year? The point is, why the @!#$ make your car the same as someone elses when you can just as easily make it different? Were not talking about a 3rd gen with a type J kit and MR7's. Were talking about a 1st gen with a custom made body kit. Chill.
187 wrote:Buddy, his car is custom build. He made the kit from scratch. Would you not be a little bit upset if you spent a year working on a kit only to have someone in the same town try to copy your car the very next year? The point is, why the @!#$ make your car the same as someone elses when you can just as easily make it different? Were not talking about a 3rd gen with a type J kit and MR7's. Were talking about a 1st gen with a custom made body kit. Chill.
Doesnt matter if u want to make osmething custom and keep it a one off then dont ever show it to anyone. People will copy no matter what u do. Take for instance the technic and the turbo sport form gm guess what companies have copied them and mass produced them. If i did somethign custom i woudlnt mind someone copying it i woudl be proud that someone else liked it that much to try and do the same. So if u dont want someone to copy then never show anyone what u have done. There are plenty of peopel on here with custom stuff they have done that others have copied.
Dey see me Trollin' Dey hatin' for trollin dey trying to catch me ridin dirty.

Agreed. Putting your car on a billboard is not the best idea and people are going to copy like it or not. But in the same city? I just think thats a bit much. And I think a point Fabian is trying to get across is that he came up with the design and its unique to his car. Why not try something else. There is an element of laziness involved because its simply saying, its to much work to plan out my own kit..ill just do what I know works. Anyways, what happens happens. Peace.
VOTE FOR RED!!!!!!!!!!

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
thank you all for the good and bad comment, this was the all point of this.
look like my desision has been made ,i will due the sunbird
has per the front i see it's creating lot's of commotion i will still due something similar or exactly the same unless someone design me something else that would look nice then i see about using that idea for now i only see 2 option that would look nice
1-regular z24 front with factory lip (if i find one)
2-fabian super nice design
i feel by doing 4 door sunbrird it will be deferent enough even do we are living close i am in gatineau quebec and he is ottawa ontario.
sunbird 1984 with v6 cowl induction hood cav front sounds deferent enough to me.
to be defrent is to be original
alright now im am getting pist.
i was not even going to put is email on here but after
here email that was sent to me from fabian
Ok I have had enough of this copying my kit stuff, I know you have a 87 Z now, and I know you want to fix it up, but copying my hard work is not the way, Get your own design, do something else, hell get a 2nd gen body kit and mold it to the car, but dont' copy me, you will be in the same city, and people around here know who was first.
that's not to bad i can feels is pain but the worst parts is i was a member of
forum for people in ottawa region to discuses cars and other stuff ,
fabian is the administrator and for some unowned reason he cancel my account
niccccce, very mature
i have not yet posted there been member for only 3 weeks so i could not have done anything there to cause being deleted . and i don't believe i have been rude to him here ether.i don't think i deserve this .
look ,if you not please of me considering duplicating your front that one thing but cutting me of that forum is just childish .
how old or you ?15 ?
i was not even going to put is email on here but after being cut from web site man.
to be defrent is to be original
jesus man, thats pretty @!#$ pathetic! if someone wants to copy your kit and you don't want them to, copy rite it... if you don't want to do that, quit being a bitch and stop your crying... people are going to duplicate anything thats put out there... my thinking is, if it looks good, why mess with it... I don't need to put in hours and hours of work to make something that may not even turn out right... thats why so many companies just use molds of other kits... people like stuff thats already out there so its going to be made...
and dude, deleting someones account is pretty mature... sounds like you just need to be hit one good time to wake you the @!#$ up... quit acting like a damn child and respect the fact that someone likes what you have done...
bird boy, I say do the kit man! it will look really good in both four and two door...