OK I couldnt stand the great ride that the Teins gave me.
I had them on one week and had to go back to the bags.
THis time I made some rubber spacers for the front mounts. about 1/4" thick. Got rid of alot of noise.
Out back I flipped one of the roll plates over to give me one more inch of lift. Now the tires clear the inner fenders by just milimeters. They dont touch when the car is down. but if I lift the front all the way up then the rears will rub.
SO it dosnt look any dif realy when all four are down. It just gets one more inch of lift. ANd thats enough to push my front bumper on the ground. It didnt used to do that.
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I am all that is man
<img src="http://images.cardomain.com/member_images/12/web/288000-288999/288484_70.jpg">....if i had a magic wand id make the world suck my d**k without a condom on while im on the jon.
peer pressure....
haha, your car is awesome!
Sorry about my fingers being in the pics.
Its cold
Im in shorts
usuing Powerade bottle for tripod
I am all that is man
nice i love that car sooooooooooo much, better with the bags
mattdiggity - nice eminem quote
ESB- damn good job ... much better with bags
LOL let me have your springs

are u gonna stick with those now or are u gonna change again in a week
yea esb what are your plans with the springs? id take em off ur hands.
The springs are going on this car. It belongs to poisioncavi
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It pays to live near me. I change my mind so much I let stuff go real easy. He has my old intake on it right now. ANd someone else has a strut bar I didnt want anymore.
I'll prolly give my bags away in two months

I am all that is man
awesome bro, i cant wait to join u when im bagged....
Great decision, and the coils will look great on poisoncavi's ride for sure! Lovin it.
Woohoo! Much better

This car is meant to be on bags.
- Darren
<img src="http://phewes.snowpants.org/sig2005.jpg" alt="get off my sig!!">
THanks for all the complaments everyone. Im much happier now being back on my bags.
Ive gone pic crazzy in the last couple days. I cleaned it today so heres more pics.
Pluss some pics from the underside for those who care about what kind of clearance there is under the car when all the way down and such.
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I am all that is man
i'm so jealous...stupid ohio, if bags could withstand daily driving in ohio, i'd be on them. lol.
ur car looks so sweet on bags....i want ur car to have my children..i mean...thats gross and weird...SHUT THE HELL UP!
i love it! much much better

Portage, MI
ts wrote:i want ur car to have my children..i mean...thats gross and weird...SHUT THE HELL UP!
Um.........whats weird about that?
I am all that is man