Nice Euro Lights..................LOL
Instead of ricing up your car. Do it with clean mods.
Do it for the 10% of us who actually care that our cars turn out nice and clean.
The Silver J......Ridin' Clean....
dont have those tails anymore.. I put the stock ones back on... Go @!#$ yourself
U still put them on your car.
I have the last laugh.
What can you say to me???? Nothing.
The Silver J......Ridin' Clean....
Oh yea, nice exhaust too......did you take that off as well???
The Silver J......Ridin' Clean....
silvrdreamld904: why dont you go bother someone else and jack another forums threads. that kind of response is exactly what this site doesnt need.
sean: the tails arent exactly my style but it doesnt look that bad. get some work done to it now

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
Whats wrong with it? I actually like it and oh yeah who cares what the @!#$ you think when the car is mine you cocksucker
Im sorry.....Mod ANY way you want.
Keep giving J-body\ tuners a bad name.
For me, Euro lights were barely cool in high school. But maybe you havent reached that point yet. You posted your car WITH those tails on, not saying they were taken off. You posted them on here for opinions. I GAVE MINE and you get mad. Sorry.
Oh yeah Hypsy, Im not jacking threads at all. Get your @!#$ straight. I responded to one of HIS threads.
Yes, say whatever you want in response to this post. I don't care.
The Silver J......Ridin' Clean....
Silvrdreamld904- stfu... you're nothing but a smart ass to most the ppl on this site. There's no point in it... honestly. Tell him the things u don't like about the car... don't be a complete a$$ about it.
As for the car. It has a lot of potential. I don't like the taillights either, but it's okay. I'd say over half the ppl on this site have bought them at one point or another. The exhaust doesn't sit flush with the back bumper. That puts a lot of focus on your exhaust. If the muffler could be brought back a little to sit flush with the back bumper, it would look a lot better.
What are your future plans for it?
car looks good, nice project.IMO stock tails and get rid of the fart can. good luck

maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow....... but some day
I have already baught for the spring.
- VIS drift kit 4 peice (exhaust will be moved)
- I have 18 motegi mr7's
- i ordered jdm CAVALIER CARBON FIBER TAIL LIGHTS will arrive soon
- Going for paint may 7th
Going to look a whole lot different.
looks good but in IMO stock tails and no fart can. good project and good luck

maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow....... but some day
opps double post

maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow....... but some day
Sean Sullivan wrote:I have already baught for the spring.
- VIS drift kit 4 peice (exhaust will be moved)
- I have 18 motegi mr7's
- i ordered jdm CAVALIER CARBON FIBER TAIL LIGHTS will arrive soon
- Going for paint may 7th
Going to look a whole lot different.

^ I have two of those items u listed. I would have sold u some 18" MR7s had I known. I have my hopes set on some TSW Ribs & I WILL get them. Good luck with everything... should look great once u get all that stuff on it.
Be careful with the drift kit once u get it on.... =)
Yeah i got my rims off someone off this site aswell...
I wanted to go with the dark theme but i @!#$ up wasting my money on the tails.. i liked them at first but hey you can always sell em...
Heres a pic of my car end of last summer with rims
The carbon fiber tails will look much better. I screwed myself buying those euro taillights too- don't feel bad. They don't look right on any color vehicle. I think I bought mine like a year after I had my car though and that was umm 4 years ago. I would get rid of mine, but I can't find my stock ones... lol. Car looks good with those rims. I like MR7s though-- always have. What size tires do u have?
LOL no offence dood but their is no such thing as jdm cf tails ... Im guessing you bought them off ebay and on the title it says jdm or something ... the only jdm are the yotas ..
car looks ok .. shoulda cleaned it up before the pics

My car will never be on the org lookin dirty
Team Altered
yeah i baught them off ebay...... They look pretty nice, will go alot better with the dark theme.
Sorry man i cant remember what size tire im running i will tomorrow though they are in my basement so i will check them out in the morning..
jdm.. lol should look hot, thank god u lost them tails...stock will still look best thou imo. are u gunna get black projectors and black corner lights to match everythin else?
Silvrdreamld904: Get out of here before I slap you with my dong. Seriously you are not needed on this site. I also see that you are a pretty young cocky @!#$. You probabaly have so many zits on your face you've never even kissed a girl let alone hold a girls hand. hahaha get out of this site you pathetic cocky loser.
Nice Car, I can't wait for some sun in my area to get mine clean as well
Silvrdreamld904-Sponsored by mommy and daddy racing! Nice 2.2 you have hidden under there
Car is looking good, will look really slick wit the kit on. I have always loved MR7's, good choice. Where in Ontario are you? Im from North York.
FuGiTiVe wrote:Silvrdreamld904: Get out of here before I slap you with my dong. Seriously you are not needed on this site. I also see that you are a pretty young cocky @!#$. You probabaly have so many zits on your face you've never even kissed a girl let alone hold a girls hand. hahaha get out of this site you pathetic cocky loser.
Nice Car, I can't wait for some sun in my area to get mine clean as well 
hahaha i think that is the first post i have ever laughed out loud at.
Silvrdreamld904: Get out of here before I slap you with my dong. Seriously you are not needed on this site. I also see that you are a pretty young cocky @!#$. You probabaly have so many zits on your face you've never even kissed a girl let alone hold a girls hand. hahaha get out of this site you pathetic cocky loser.
Yeah ok buddy.... yeah my mommy and daddy buy everything for me too lol your a retard... Im actually 21, own 2 cars, own a house, and im a ticketed millwright. So take your mommy and daddys money and instead of putting it inyour car so you can get friends, go get a future you joke
I always like blue turning signals
Sean Sullivan wrote:Silvrdreamld904: Get out of here before I slap you with my dong. Seriously you are not needed on this site. I also see that you are a pretty young cocky @!#$. You probabaly have so many zits on your face you've never even kissed a girl let alone hold a girls hand. hahaha get out of this site you pathetic cocky loser.
Yeah ok buddy.... yeah my mommy and daddy buy everything for me too lol your a retard... Im actually 21, own 2 cars, own a house, and im a ticketed millwright. So take your mommy and daddys money and instead of putting it inyour car so you can get friends, go get a future you joke
did you even read to whom that was directed at???