Check out some new pictures in my profile. Finally put a couple up. No pics of car yet though, i got to clean it first
2003 Black Cavalier LS Sport Coupe "Ecotec" Auto
i was going to make a cover to hide those wires where the caps and everything are but i dont want to put anymore time into it because ill probably be trading in the car next month
Either for a Scion TC or an Acura RSX type S
2003 Black Cavalier LS Sport Coupe "Ecotec" Auto
You really should go to image shack or car domain and post them up on this thread. Cause people usually don't wanna go searching around for pictures of your car.
The Silver J......Ridin' Clean....
wooaa, overload on the caps... which infact do nothing and are a waste of money
maybe he doesnt like his lights dimming everytime he gets a bass note?
Borsty wrote:maybe he doesnt like his lights dimming everytime he gets a bass note?
fer what hes runnin (which doesnt look like much) he could use just one
well of course i dont need 3, DUH!
but hey with a damn good discount from best buy why the hell not . im planning on getting a beefy mono amp in the near future so i just got 3 caps to plan ahead. at most ill only need 2.
they retail for $199 each at best buy, and i only paid $73 for each one......
i was looking at the JL 1000/1 mono amp for sometime but im not really sure. Interior speakers however, my goal is to have some boston acoustic pros and maybe some JL 12w6v2 subs......
2003 Black Cavalier LS Sport Coupe "Ecotec" Auto
wow who do u kno to get a deal like that?
u just gotta work there or know someone who does. smployees get awsome discounts. its not a set percentage though, it depends on what the markup is...

12.6 @ 114.6 MPH
yep thats true, when i worked at circuit city, i had car audio discounts that were unbelievable.
Those THREE caps hurt you more than they "help" you.
19sunfire99 wrote:wow who do u kno to get a deal like that?
go on ebay man, fosgate digital caps go brand new for $75 all the time.....
nice screen, but even with a 1000/1 ur only gunna need 1 cap.. i have a 1000/1 alpine an im runnin no caps, but i have a yellow top battery((works much much better))
--Glowin Cavy-- wrote:u just gotta work there or know someone who does. smployees get awsome discounts. its not a set percentage though, it depends on what the markup is...
yeah my friend jsut got a job there. He gets 70% all audio stuff. Ashame a lot of there audio stuff isn't that great though.
<img src="">
how about u ditch all the caps and upgrade to big 3, and ull have no dimming problems, or even better yet upgrade the alt if your going the direction of a huge system
Here are some more pictures
let me know what you think. Yea i know i dont need 3caps. But i bought them anyway because i got a good deal on them.
i could sell them but i dont want to, at least not yet. to be honest when i bought them i had big plans to get a beefy system, but my plans have changed and now i got 3 caps....
planning on trading in the car to........... so here they are
2003 Black Cavalier LS Sport Coupe "Ecotec" Auto
Are those the chrome rims or the normal ones?
normal ones
2003 Black Cavalier LS Sport Coupe "Ecotec" Auto