heres a pic of the graphics
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holt @!#$ i love the car
a few things id do:
1. clear corners
2. I HOPE THAT HOOD IS CF.. if not def get oem cf hood
3. install that intercooler!!!!
lvoe the car man.... easily one of my favorites on teh org
well i had clears but i liked the stock better. the clears made the car look cheap for some reason and im waiting on my 2.4 turbo kit from cavalier connection then ill install the fmic.
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You know what I don't understand? You got a ticket for a loud exhaust, but they'll let a Harley pass by that will blow your eardrums. That pisses me off.
nice man, looks so much better with no graphics
no the ticket was for the system
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Oh. I'm an idiot. Well, that still ticks me off. The car's looking great man!
I liked the vynil, but it looks very clean now.
nice car !
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haha i got a ticket for my system too, it was 145 so good luck with that your car man one of my favs
thanks everyone. the ticket was only 79.50
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My Cars slower than your Car!! wrote:You know what I don't understand? You got a ticket for a loud exhaust, but they'll let a Harley pass by that will blow your eardrums. That pisses me off.
You sir, are a god. I say that every time i see one of those loud , obnoxious ugly things.
Pisses me off to no end ...
awesome car, man! i agree with you on the corners. i think they flow well with the toyo tails. also, the graphics were really cool i thought; with them on, your car reminded me of something from Signal Auto's garage
looks really clean without them too, though. excellent job.
for some reason i thought you were selling your car? i thought i remembered a post about it or something. were you talking about it at one time? or am i just crazy?
gettin' organizized...
get some sound deadener.... Second Skin stuff... dampen the hell out of your car... you will get better sound and less tickets

i hate those jerks who think that since people can hear ur car shacking miles away is cool... if you are going to have a bumpin system, be respectful about it
Good decision, very clean. Love the car looks great.
i liked it better with the graphics. it was unique. now its just another white drift cav. &
yea i agree, i want the original signal graphic but they dont have it in black only in chrome, red, and blue. but im thinking of doing this one graphic i seen on this integra in a magazine along with the roll call along the bottom angled. it was in the Bscene magazines.
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Car looks hot as always man, I love it, very nicely planned and executed.
I liked the graphic better as well but it's still of my favorite cars on the org.
J-body of Kentucky
I liked the graphics but your car still looks good very clean. Where do you get your graphics?
I liked it better with the graphics, but its still one of my top 10 favorite J's on the site. By the way, where did you get your HID kit??????