cant wait to install them!!
<Img src="http://www.gnx.ca/stylez/stylez05sig.jpg">
"Have faith in people....God is just an imaginary friend for grownups."
nice, i wish i got leather ones..but u cant be the price i got for mine. lol
post pics when u get them installed
very nice, where did you pick those up?

<a href="http/www.cardomain.com/id/fireside">stevefire23</a>
nice seats! i like them a lot. will look sweet once you get them installed! Those will feel nice on the backside too, but they will get really cold and hot during the different seasons. I'd be willing to deal with that though and you also have tint so it won't be so bad.
I got them from another cav owner

Great deal. They feel really comfortable. I got the brackets for the sliders as well for an easy install
<Img src="http://www.gnx.ca/stylez/stylez05sig.jpg">
tight, what brand are they
those are quite expensive
aw your cat is cute....
oh yeah, nice seats too :p
lol KYwingsfan, thanks.. thats 1 of 3 kittys.
Thanks for the comments guys/girls. Ill get some installed pics up for sure.
<Img src="http://www.gnx.ca/stylez/stylez05sig.jpg">
they look just like my 3a seats....hopefully they are easier to install
Those will look great in there for sure, how do they feel comfort wise?
NICE SEATS! They look comfy too!

hopefully they are! My tenzo r's are surprisingly really comfortable. i love em! Gives such a performance feel when driving, along with my short throw shifter and stiff stage 2 clutch. Your car is amazing tho, i like it alot! The only thing im not a fan of on yer car is that fading window tint..from chrome to black.....definently not likin that! GL with mounting!
The seats are very comfortable... Thanks for the comments

I like them a lot.
z2fst4u - thanks, I know the tint is a love/hate thing. Its one of those things you need to see in person. the car is all black and silver so it matches well.
<Img src="http://www.gnx.ca/stylez/stylez05sig.jpg">
Man, those look great, and look like they will feel awesome. They would good in my car and so would that hood of yours, oh wait, I have that hood.

Love the car man. One of my favs for sure.
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/mattsrad/sig.gif"><img src="http://www.houston-imports.com/forums/images/smilies/headbang.gif">
Matt, thanks man

we have the same taste.. Car is looking great man...
<Img src="http://www.gnx.ca/stylez/stylez05sig.jpg">
those look great man! i wanna see them installed!
<img src="http://www.tabascoracing.com/images/splash_01.jpg"><a href="http://www.tabascoracing.com">
NICE Seats.....I wanna get my CR1's done like that......

<b>APlusperformance.com January 2005 Ride Of The Month
Sponsored by APlusPerformance.com</b>
I was gonna buy these off that guy... he told me he will call me on the weekend to do the deal and never called/emailed...
plus I found brand spankin new ones for cheap if anyone is interested.
<b>"In this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes." </b>
Thats them..... Except those are Synthetic leather...... mine are real leather.
<Img src="http://www.gnx.ca/stylez/stylez05sig.jpg">
How can you tell? Is there a model number... seemed a little suspicious to me that he was selling seats he bought 4 months ago for $400... when he would have to pay $750 + tax... that is a huge loss over 4 months... But either way,... you got a good deal synthetic or not... !
<b>"In this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes." </b>
Well they look like leather, feel like leather, and... Im pretty sure they smell like leather.
The synthetic ones are 450 retail, why would he pay more at a sale?
Either way, Im happy.
<Img src="http://www.gnx.ca/stylez/stylez05sig.jpg">