"In the beginning, each car is a blank canvas and possibilites are endless..."
fresh paint....YUMMMM!!!
looks great...when do you plan on installing it now?
big poppa wrote:fresh paint....YUMMMM!!!
looks great...when do you plan on installing it now?
this isnt my kit, im just painting it for joe
sweet. cant wait to see joes car next to mine.

www.columbustuning.com & www.columbusracing.com
hahahaha, i won't tell him either....but joe, when you read this...LOOKS SWEET!
wow, that's an excellent paint job.
Its so shiney like a glass! Nice job!
Joe, pick them up NOW and install them!

Your car's gonna be hot!
- Darren
<img src="http://phewes.snowpants.org/sig2005.jpg" alt="get off my sig!!">
Looks awesome and if anyone deserves a kit, IT'S JOE. You know I'm gonna love it Joe. Awesome paint work.
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/mattsrad/sig.gif"><img src="http://www.houston-imports.com/forums/images/smilies/headbang.gif">
i can't wait to see it on his car....that's a damn nice paint job though....looks very good
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/mishkafan/personal_pic.jpg">
Yummy!! looks great
<Img src="http://www.gnx.ca/stylez/stylez05sig.jpg">
Damn Joe, its gonna look hot!
get that @!#$ installed!

Portage, MI
Please, paint it silver and send it to me. Joe will never find out.
Looks good. But it'll look better on his car.
<a href="http://www.j-body.org/classifieds/exterior/31074/"><img border=0 src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/italbro/J-Body_sig.jpg">
nice nice...but more importantly....I want that paint booth there on the side of my house hhahahahhaa....

"All my life I have been trying to figure out who is behind this face of mine"
Take credit card???? hahhaahaa....hmmm 200k sheeesh

"All my life I have been trying to figure out who is behind this face of mine"
I can't believe he still hasn't seen these... he will I'm sure and when it get's installed it's going to be sweet!
Jesus guys, I just got off work at 1pm today

Thanks for all the comments, but mainly THANKS Kevin, without you bud I wouldn't have half of a badass car as I will now. I appreciate all of the work you've done for me, and well now, the rest of my car will look like @!#$ because of these nice new parts...but that's okay

Kevin has also painted my hood, trunk/spoiler, and shaved the trunk lock while there, all A+ work and I've been very impressed each time.
Hard to believe I drove to Wisconsin for that thing, brought it home, let it sit, took it to you, had it mediablasted, and now look? Good deal!
The kit looks Great Kevin, Joe I look forward to helping install it on your car. It will look hotter than my Stock LS Sport bumpers. These are just some things, Joe and I have planned for our cars!
Thanks for looking all!

After downshifting into 3rd, and redlining, might as well find 4th and find the speed limiter....its therapeutic.
Ahhhh joe you suck man! I wanna get my kit painted black for my new car now sooooooo bad! Lookin real good i cant wait to see it on!
If you want help, let me know I'll drive out that way. At least for some pics
Gotta love fresh paint, its gonna look good, keep us updated.
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/imp0rtfighter/personal_pic.jpg">