I was driving from South Dakota where there was frozen rain... then i drove through North Dakota where there was a bunch of snow... anyway heres the end results of it all
i cant wait until summer thats all ive gotta say
<IMG SRC="http://webpages.sdsmt.edu/~1272797/doodsig26wa.jpg">
omfg, that's crazy. did you do some dirt track racing while you were at it for fun or what?
ROFL nice temporary wide body kit there Eric
<img src ="http://gra.midco.net/lothurin/loth/SoulMotorSportz/Lothurin/bannerDARKcrystal.gif">
<A HREF="http://www.Soulmotorsportz.org">Soul MotorSportz<A> <A HREF="http://www.gmfwd.com">GM FWD</A>
Your widebody might need some body filler
dang eric plus you just had thelookin so niccceee
thats a pretty bad fiberglass job on that widebody
Same here no snow in Phoenix.
<img src="http://www.jokerzrealm.com/track0.jpg" width=290 height=193>
where did u buy those fender flares.. .iw ant some
Anthony Jones, Queen Z, Blue Ace......they dont got nothin' on you!
i did some thinking.... and it didnt take me very long to decide i didnt want to jump the widebody bandwagon

and within a few hours i removed the kit to start fresh again.... heres some progress and after pics... besides what good is a garage with a warm water faucet if you dont use it
<IMG SRC="http://webpages.sdsmt.edu/~1272797/doodsig26wa.jpg">
Those are some niiiice fender flares

WHAT THE FUDGE! it looked sweet! LOL i dont know how you guys live in crap like that i get snow like 5 times a year and even then its only an inch at the most. LOL
I know what you mean, we put our rims on our vehicles and got a month out of them and it snowed 9 inches. Montana sucks.
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/imp0rtfighter/personal_pic.jpg">
Wow, I'm really glad we don't ever have to experience that down here in Florida
TAX ID: 45-8013458577-3
Damn i know how you feel I heard we had snow once down here -- it must have really sucked
lol, it looks like you didn't feel like stopping to go to the bathroom so you and your passenger just crapped out the window.
lol im sorry that sucks summer is right around the corner
!!! Hondas suck Take em down !!!