Well I got sick of ducking to get out(or leaning back) so i decided to whip out the graph paper, tape measure and some ideas.
This is the Chin Wah Kit and it does go higher than in the pics (100*) Im gona adjust it to an even 90* waiting on some parts to get here to finish it. Oh and ignore the gas strut in the pic it was an old idea still mounted.
If theres any intrest I can set Up a kit to convert the chin wah to 90* All bolt on(optional welding) Motorized even? As Far as cost waiting on a call from Stabilus struts. But id say 200+/- but dont hold me to it.
Oh and for the Hole Haters, new hood, fenders, the kit, spoiler, are on the way and i still need the darn 03 trunk piece!!
Joe! Email me!
Oh and it dosent require any modification of the hinge so that means you still have your warranty
i can see the advantage of 90 degrees, being that you can get out easier. but in all honesty i think the regular angle you had it at in your sig looks better. before it looked like it was just opening a different way... now it looks completly unattached from the car.
Ive been pondering the idea for a long time now, I'm definitly in if you can do it
well thts cool. but i think lambos ae beoming played out...i am going to rock my doors stock
Yea as far as show stance Ill prob go 1 door 45* and the other 90* should score a few more points. hey Meck can you get behind your fenders? thats where the new struts mount, maybe take the wheel off and reach in there?
Anyone has any questions post em here or feel free to IM me AOL: XXTazChazzXX or ocationaly on Yahoo at SniperGuyNamedQ
Oh and It will proabably be a Dual strut system so that you wont need to hang on the door to close it, should come right down easy if not easier than the strut that came with it.
And as Far as motorization of the door, I am stuck between an Air strut or Liniar actuator. Air is faster But if the tanks empty then I will have to lift, with the liniar actuator i can run it by remote easier. And So far 2 75lb liniar actuators will cost about 300+ So that will be a future project i think.
Oh yea all the brakets for this will be CNC cut and unless I have to change something then it will be all 1 solid piece no welded parts. and instaltion(as long as your hinge kit is already mounted) would be maybe an hr for the whole thing.
YEAH LAMBOS ARE PLAYED OUT! LOL opps i forgot i have them too. thats a sweet idea. props on the work but i like the doors better wher they are but that is a very cool idea and im sure there are gonna be some people mailing you.
D Style Cavy wrote:well thts cool. but i think lambos ae beoming played out...i am going to rock my doors stock
@!#$, we just cant escape that stupid played out bull@!#$, i wanna smack you
If you wanna start that, so is your bodykit
But yeah man, i can get behind the fender. I dont really want a motorized kit, just an option to get my doors up 90 degrees, cause i know these hinges are capable of going past that. Ive tried it before and have been trying to think of a way to modify it. I have the decah kit though, but i think they are close to being the same.
^^^ Agreed.
Here's my issue. I'm sure your warranty is on the kit working in the factory manner... Even if that is not an issue, I know that the guides on these kits are not exactly the greatest. What happens when you go past the guide? Pray for no wind?
Major props on the conversion, though... Your lower strut looks familiar

I had the same idea way back when I had my first J...
im beginning to hate lamborghinni's just because of hearing the word lambo all the time.
Well I played around with it for about 6 hours tonihgt, cant do anything else untill i figure out what force struts i need, gotta get a LB pressure meter and test it out, the original struts are 750lbs right? had my door proped up on a Jack and the damn jack slipped door ate the ground and ate up the hinge perty bad(arg), then after deciding id better get some sleep went to reinstall the original strut and the dern lower ballmount busted!!! arg what a night ended Up chucking an aluminum rod up on the lathe and made a new temp mount.
Issues with current Idea, The struts will mount to the 2 randomly driled holes in the hinge(If you have Chin wah you know what im refering to) Well the problem is at 90* the ends of the struts hit at that angle. So Ill either be making a plate that will bolt on or making new tips for the struts.
Ill keep you all updated.
Glad to see you aren't giving up, but this is why R&D costs so much for 90 degrees
Oh and as far as the Guide, Mine both broke off the first day I had the lambos, they were crap, I welded the drivers side one back on but its not used much, if you ever lift the door the entire way youll notice it Piviots on itself, thats my guide, has worked fine for quite some time now.
IMO the 45* angle looks 100x better than the 90* angle. and i think an automatic/actuator opener for the doors would be sweet. but could you get something that could open the doors out and then up?
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/tabasco/JBO%20ad%20banner%20brown.jpg">
Definitly keep me updated
Im listening in, i got the winks kit (same exact design), very interested! if all works well, im game

THE WORLDS FIRST GAY POTATO!:Amaze and delight your friends, dress it up, take it to the cinema or just sit and admire it's firm silky buttocks and when your bored of it .. lob it in a casserole dish with some onions and carrots.
Sounds like alot of work for something that alot of people already have. I'll stick with my stock door hinges. But to everyone his own. Have fun.
honestly i dont think its as much work as people think once the tweeking, and fine tuning is done, and u find a way to get these produced, i mean, the hinge itself, already has the capability to go up that far, its just a matter of finding the right mounting places and the right struts.

THE WORLDS FIRST GAY POTATO!:Amaze and delight your friends, dress it up, take it to the cinema or just sit and admire it's firm silky buttocks and when your bored of it .. lob it in a casserole dish with some onions and carrots.
I myself have the MMS Kit and personally, I like the idea, but I kinda like the way it opens now. If it was to open 90 degrees then it will leave more open area for people to see you struggle with the door to close it.....lol...at least with it opening the way it is the door covers your arm while pulling it down, also you would probably have to custom make a hinge or hook to pull the door down when opened at full 90.
My opinion, but good idea.
im currently awaiting for the mms kti to arive as well so keep me updated as well i dont kno if i like it or not still undecided but i hope it wokrs out for u mayb id be part of it to just gotat wait for my hinges to get here
Just got home from work. Finnaly got a call back from Stabilus, They want 100 per strut(and it will take 4 for both doors. SO im gona look into an alternate strut company.
Oh and it will reqire SOME welding(MAYBE BOLTS but that would be HARD)
You would have to Weld the Gas strut mounting
bracket (a Flat plate with 2 ball mounts) to your frame rail under your fender, For those with molded sides(meck) you can do it without pulling the fender.
I just got off work so Im gona call around and look around and find out what I can find about some more affordable struts.
As far as the straining to close the door, Nope. I am looking at actuated struts which has a knob(you can hide or dashmount or whatever and controll the strenth of the struts, that way you can lock it up, let it weaken enough to slide on down on its own, or set it just right so you can close it from the outside
And as for the Power controll, if you have popers, i can machine a Block that will replace the little Knob guide thing on the hinge now(will require modding the hinge unless i can find an altenitve mouning method)
The machined piece will be shaped like a slide sorta so you pop the door with the door poper(relay) then it will "slide" Up the block, then when it closes you will have a spring(such as a valve spring ) that will push the back of the hinge to make the door close in when it comes down. The Latching closed is the part i havent figured out without switching to Lincon trunk latches.
Like I said it all sounds complicated but I will make this a KIT, so you just install it all and boom done.
I gotta pick up my popers come paycheck and get rid of those handles.
Ill keep yopu all updated, got some research to do this weekend!