It almost seems like I find new pics that I want to share with you all every week. It was finally sunny here in Washington, so I took advantage. I love the way they turned out. Hope you like. Lemme know what you think. Enjoy!!!
Also, my friend wants to see what you guys think of his Jetta. The people on the VW sites are real haters. Let us know what you think about it too...
Here's me attacking the Jetta. It made me mad, copying my rims like that!!!
Thanks for looking!!!
Your car looks sweet, I like the cleanliness. And the color. And the rims.
I hate your friends Jetta too. If you aren't going to tune it to Euro-style/DTM "specs", dont tune it at all. Same goes for all VW's and Audi's.

cav looks good.
jetta on the other hand, im a big fan of vw's, but it doesnt look as clean as it could.
Don't hate on the Jetta. He wants it to be different than other Jettas. He's still working on it. I'll admit, it doesn't look too great right now, but he's got some good stuff on the way.
Thanks for the comments. (no, I really don't have anything better to do right now than see what people think of my car)
Did your friend lower the rear but forget about the front?
Or is it just that my screen is tilted.
Your cav looks good, the Jetta looks ok.. Maybe if he dropped it and took those mouldings off it'll look alot nicer imo..
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
No, actually he didn't lower anything. That's the way it sits. He's going to lower the front so it matches.
JBoDiED wrote:Your car looks sweet, I like the cleanliness. And the color. And the rims.
I hate your friends Jetta too. If you aren't going to tune it to Euro-style/DTM "specs", dont tune it at all. Same goes for all VW's and Audi's.
couldnt have said it better..... tell your friend to style his along these lines..

slammed, stylish, an almost stock. EURO rules...
^ugliest jetta ive ever seen that blue one IMO
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actually the blue one isnt that bad
i like this picture a lot
Wheels look 1000000x better on your car.
some nice pics of your car...
i think the jetta would look better with the rest of the kit on it and dropped.
as for the "don't tune it unless it's a certain way"... that's rediculous... it's his car, his tastes... as long as he likes it, that's all that really matters
are those ff7s? if so what size are they?
Yes they are FF7's. They're 17's on both cars.
Hey Strat, my friend says thanks for the comment. He's definately liking better than any of the VW sites. He didn't get one good comment from any of the sites that he posted on.
Anywho. Geeds, those are Porsche rims incase you didn't guess.