put my car in its first show today.. got laughed at alot by the people who thing there honda is the best car in the world... but some openminded people came by and told me nice car and good things like that. well heres the pics
just a few.. will post more pics later... yes i know i need to fix my front bumper and it really needs a drop but family problems have set me back financially. should be looking alot better by june!
here comes the boost!
looks great except for the bottom of the front bumper.
my fav kit. id like to get it also, but being lowered already makes me worry about issues with the kit like you already have?!!!
looking good though
and im still at stock height.. nawh kit isnt that low... i was just being stupid one night and ate some gravel.. had fun doing it tho!
here comes the boost!
ok... HONESTLY NOW... you got laghed at with a clean looking sunfire, not too over the top, not underdone,... and you were parked between a civic and an xB.... WTF kinda people laghed at you?!?!?!?!....damn wierdos
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

THE WORLDS FIRST GAY POTATO!:Amaze and delight your friends, dress it up, take it to the cinema or just sit and admire it's firm silky buttocks and when your bored of it .. lob it in a casserole dish with some onions and carrots.
the honda crowd can be wierd...i find the on honda forums you are not cool unless your honda is stock except for a drop and small boring wheels. body kits and unapproved wheels are automatically gay.
anyway...your car looks great, I'm looking forward to seeing it dropped
<img src="http://img53.exs.cx/img53/3803/sig21ps.jpg" width="388" height="197" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us" />
Thats what I was thinking, I cant believe they laughed at you.. Your car is not bad looking at all.. Big dummies, people are idiots.. Keep up the good work man.
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
your car looks great. i can't believe anyone laughed at it
I had a horrible dream last night that I bought a 92 Civic Hatch.
Car is pretty nice. Think those rims should be like 2 inches bigger though. Fill the kit look more

I think it's looking good.....I think that kit flows very nicely
Of course people are going to laugh....They have no respect......And 95% of the people that laugh don't even have a hooked up car. The ones that do have hooked up rides, respect other modifiers and the time and effort they put into their cars.........Well, most of them anyway.......
your sunfire looks like a transam in the front,really theres a transam look to this bumper!
JBoDiED wrote:BTW, I'm sure he's friends with that Civic owner, they both have Jenzo windshield banners. 
yeah thats my team member,, hes cool.. he dont make fun of my car. but i laugh at him every time i see a red civic lol.
anyways guys was wondering what hood u think i should go with.. invader or oem cf or a different hood altogether.. let me know
here comes the boost!
oem CF... keep it clean looking liek it is
CF would be mint...
I was gonna ask if they supply paint in any color other than red where you live
Joe is right. You can tell who actually works on their cars because even if they don't like something, they'll say something along the lines of 'props for the work'.
I'd like to see pics of your trunk / interior / engine, but your car looks really good and not overdone at all...
dude people are messed up ur sunfire is so much better than that civic. i think the civics are over raved and overpriced
Its a tuff life being a Compact Domestic car driver in Houston.
Ive been around alot of the North Houston car scene in the past 3 years and never got any love untill I got air ride. Its stupid but thats just the way it is.
I am all that is man
heres a few more pix. some of the rear for 03cavfire
let me know what u guys think should be next
here comes the boost!
car looks good man...if you need someone to fix those cracks for ya, jus let me know..i can do em for ya...

I kinda Like that spoiler! What is it? Looks weired but i knida like it!
Kit looks badass
I feel the pain. My club and I went to a few shows last summer around here and because our cars were post 1980 people looked at us as if we were some punk a**holes. My club and i call this phenomena "car discrimination", I mean honestly i have a love for all cars. I personally own a 92 camaro which is nasty, but i have my own tastes and you have yours, thats one of the greatest things about cars, you can personalize them in any way you want. And as far as the older crowd, as well as a couple old school magazines like hot rod,and carcraft the sport compacts are always getting bad raps. I find it pretty funny because the sport compact is todays muscle car. Our fathers had the 60-70's for their mountain motor gas guzzling muscle cars, the trend never stopped, it only evolved into things those guys never even dreamed of back then. If you would ask my dad 5 years ago what the potential of a "4 banger" was he woulda told you zero, none, nada, ect... Well he owns a 69 Camaro SS and last summer lined up at a stoplight it was on, The cavy pulled away, so at least i gained some respect from him. My point is that i simply dont see a point in putting down anyone else cars, especially if its because of its make, granted we do have a few of those unfortunate people who just have no sense of style or class when it comes to cars but when we get those coming into my shop we just try to coax them into some style. There's absolutely nothing wrong with Acura's, Mitsubishi's, Hyundai's, Toyota's, and yes even honda's, the only problem is the people who drive the damn things and have that massive pole up their a**es. So show your car off, be proud of what you have, and what you have accomplished with you cars. Sorry about the long rant but this thread just struck a nerve