UPS man came today...
I have smooth side moldings too, and just so no one bitches me out, nothing says or will say Z24, so I am not misbadging. Unless someone has a low mile 2.4 they want to give me. Kit, moldings, door handles and mirrors should be painted by next week.
Next stop, Ground Controls and Koni Yellows...As of right now I am only $335.00 short! Oh, and if anyone has a set of clear corners they don't need anymore, I'll be more than happy to take them off your hands.
And sorry for the dirty. Thanks Shawn!
Let me know what you think guys!
Stupid question b/c I can already answer it.. but are those all new parts? if so how much was it all?
Why did you buy that? Why didnt you get a body kit? Woulda been cheaper and looked cooler!
-Nate (ZeeTwankyFo)
ZeeTwankyFo wrote:Why did you buy that? Why didnt you get a body kit? Woulda been cheaper and looked cooler!
cheaper yes, cooler.. well thats ur opinion.. should look hot slammed an dressed
they're still grey

... should look nice
Words that you can't use in modding: Finished, Perfect, Cheap. wrote:Stupid question b/c I can already answer it.. but are those all new parts? if so how much was it all?
No, bought them off a guy here. It was $310.00 shipped. And Zee, the only body kit I would ever put on my car is the BC2. But I could never get a nice BC2 kit for $310.00 shipped. So, I did what I could with what I have. Besides, anything is better than the greys...
i say remove the mouldings all toghether!
but it will look hot, great jorb
navycav3 wrote:i say remove the mouldings all toghether!
but it will look hot, great jorb
I want too, but if I did I would have to get a whoole new paint job. My carwas repainted before I bought it, and they didnt take off the molding when they did it. So there is a little ridge there where new and old paint meets.