Those rims look badass on that car. Clean doors look good too.
<img src="" width="388" height="197" alt="Image Hosted by" />
Forgot to mention that it's a lil dirty so it doesn't have its usual shine
buy the cf emblem from bluecavcoustoms
One of the few, one of the proud, one of the Jersey J's. 6-14-04.
yeah i was thinking about doing that
Looks a lot better without the moldings.
04 Cavy LS Sport
sweet! At least you can say you got a limited edition too
Words that you can't use in modding: Finished, Perfect, Cheap.
thank you everyone for the comments! goodluck with all of your cars
if u lost the stripes it wold look alot better.
otherwise, sweet.
I swear I'm the only one that likes the moldings...
Lunchbox wrote:buy the cf emblem from bluecavcoustomsBluecavCustoms
werd....that would be the hotness on there...
<img src=""> wanna sell those moldings?
ahfunaki ~ Nope, I like the moldings too!
Sweet ride bizzle.....
I took off the badges pinstripes but left the moldings. If someone hits my side with a door maybe I'll get rid of them then.

How many steps to heaven, Doc?
...Ah, metaphysics.
you have some dirt on your hood and roof, clean it off
Memphis - Z24 : How much would you want to buy them for haha... the drivers side has a paint chip from where someone hit it.. thats really one reason why i took them off cause i kept noticing it.
i liked it with the mouldings but i cant say anything cause i took mine off to. but it looks good.
do I hear CF bezel and black TYC's......Love the stripes
yes you do hear black TYC's

and maybe a bezel but i might just get a different trunk cause i dont really know that i like the bezel too much